brett brett

TP 6 Brett P
upper intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn about using language that performs the function of describing their feelings.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for describing different feelings in the context of Life's ups and downs.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about describing different feelings in the context of Life's ups and downs) Speaking about your emotions
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a describing different feelings in the context of Life's ups and downs) Speaking about your emotions
  • To develop students’ confidence in situations where they may need to express their emotions


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows Ss a photo of several characters feeling different emotions and asks them to think to themselves what emotions do they see and what circumstances could cause them to feel those emotions. T asks a Ss to quickly share what makes them feel any of these emotions. Ss share and then the lead in is complete.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T explains an exercise for Gist where an audio file will be played and the Ss will be answering which emotions the people in the audio feel while they listen. T tells the Ss which slide they will be working on then plays the audio. Ss listen to the audio and answer the questions while they listen on their Google slide. T shows the Ss the answer key and asks if there are any questions. TL: What emotion does each person speak about? Embarrassed Stressed Depressed Relaxed Laugh Frightening Happy

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T shares an exercise in the chat then explains an intensive task in which the Ss will be listening to another audio file then filling in the blanks on another Google slide. T plays the audio file. Ss listen to the audio and fill in the blanks while they listen. T asks Ss if they need to hear the audio again. If Ss require T plays audio again. If not T shows the Ss the answer key and asks if there are any questions. TL: What makes each person feel these emotions? One thing that always ……………….. is I always say the wrong thing at the wrong time. answer: makes me feel embarrassed. There’s only …………………………………. me. answer: one thing that really stresses me It just ………………………………………….. crazy. answer: sends me completely crazy I …………….. all sorts of strange situations ……………….. . answer: find , quite funny The thing …………………….. horror films. answer: That frightens me the most is watching It just puts me …………………….. mood. answer: in a really great I ……………………………………… snakes. answer: absolutely detest I know you ………………………. , but I ……………………. laughing. answer: shouldn't laugh, can't stop

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T quickly covers meaning, before moving to pronunciation where the T chorally asks the Ss to pronounce each sentence from the TL and then asks one student to pronounce alone until all the Ss have practiced and all the sentences are covered. T asks the Ss when doing each word where the stress is and also shows them linking where possible. Ss chorally practice then drill each sentence while also telling the T where the stresses are. T asks if there are any questions to do with MFP. TL: One thing that frightens me is public speaking. wʌn θɪŋ ðət ˈfraɪtənz mi əz ˈpʌblɪk ˈspikɪŋ. One THING that FRIGHTens ME is PUBlic SPEAKing. I love it when I get to feed my friends. aɪ lʌv ɪt wɛn aɪ ɡɛt tə fiːd maɪ frɛndz "I LOVE it when I GET to FEED my FRIENDS." It really annoys me when there is traffic ɪt ˈrɪli əˈnɔɪz mi wɛn ðər ɪz ˈtræfɪk It REAlly ANnoys me when there is TRAFFic. I find forgetting names very embarrassing. aɪ faɪnd fərˈɡɛtɪŋ neɪmz ˈvɛri ɪmˈbɛrəsɪŋ I find forGETting NAMES very emBARRassing. A massage makes me very relaxed ə məˈsɑʒ meɪks mi ˈvɛri rɪˈlækst A MASSage MAKES me VERy reLAXED. I can't stand it when people are late. aɪ kænt stænd ɪt wɛn ˈpipəl ər leɪt. "I can't STAND it when PEOple are LATE."

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares a link in the chat for a Google Form with a fill in the blanks exercise and explains that the Ss will be answering the 6 questions alone. T explains that the questions are multiple choice and to do with emotions they feel when they read the scenarios in the questions. Ss read the questions and answer them alone. T shows the Ss the answer key and asks if there are any questions.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T shares some useful language in the chat then explains that the Ss will be put into two different BO rooms with two different partners and they will be having a conversation about different situations that make you feel different emotions. T also explains when they are finished in the BO rooms that they will be sharing what they heard from their partner with the class. Ss go into BO rooms with their first partner and have a conversation using the TL they learned before being placed directly into another BO room with a different partner. Ss come out of the BO rooms and share things that they heard from their partners until everyone has shared. T listens to the Ss while they talk to gather sentences to correct for DECs. UL: Different ways to describe your feelings One thing that really frightens/embarrasses me is when …….. Another thing that really frightens/embarrasses me is when …….. I love it when …… It really annoys me when ……. I find ………. very embarrassing/relaxing/depressing ………... makes me very happy/relaxed/sad/stressed/annoyed/excited Last time I …… it made me feel …….

Feedback and DECs (7-10 minutes) • To provide clarification and go over anything that was not clear. Then to provide corrections to students sentences heard in the Free Practice.

T goes asks Ss if the following sentences need correction? and if so, how do we fix them? After all the sentences are fixed the T asks the Ss if they have any other questions or feedback on todays lessons before sharing their contact info with the class incase the Ss think of questions after the class. Ss are prompted to fix the sentences then ask any questions they might have.

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