Ali Soleimanpour Ali Soleimanpour

present perfect
intermediate level


In this lesson the students will get familiar with the negative form of present perfect and they are going practice the new form through the context of a song.


Abc ukulele
Abc Flashcards of places
Abc Family & Friends 4 ST book
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy with speaking practice in the negative form of past perfect in the context of STs experiences

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening in the context of a song


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To review their previous lesson and provide them with examples of the new one

I will handout one flashcard to each ST with a picture of a place and its name. I'll ask them to hold up their cards and answer my question: Have you ever been to this place? At first I'll start with obvious and positive answers and then I'll move on to the negative ones. I will use the new form by telling the students: so you've never been to this place or, Me too, I've never been there either. After that I will swap the flashcards until most STs have the card of a place that they have never been to.

Exposure (4-8 minutes) • To provide the students with the use of the new form

I'll play and sing the song one time. For the second time I will ask them to repeat after me. i will write down some of the sentences from the song on the board and ask them If they've done the same thing as the song.

Useful Language/clarification of form and meaning (3-5 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

I will use the written lyrics to explain the form. I will use miming and gestures to teach the meaning as well. At the end I'll explain the meaning of the new words and also, write down other verbs from the book to provide the STs with more choices in developing new sentences

Productive Task(s) (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

I will ask the STs to get divided into groups of 2 and discuss each of their experiences using present perfect. After 3 minutes, I will ask them to repeat the sentences they've created before.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

After hearing each sentence I will appreciate their efforts and may continue with asking a question based on their answer. If there is any mistake in the produced sentences, I'll correct it.

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