Gülsevin Kara Gülsevin Kara

Speaking Lesson Plan
Intermediate Level level


In this lesson, students will be introduced with turn-taking as an interaction management strategy and have practice with it to maintain effective communication during an informal discussion within the context of making holiday plans


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Main Aims

  • To provide speaking for fluency practice with a specific focus on turn-taking skills in a informal discussion in the context of making holiday plans

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about a informal discussion between 3 friends in the context of holiday plans


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T draws students attention to the visuals on the board and elicits from them the topic of the lesson (holidays). T then asks students what kinds of holiday they like and nominates some students. T then asks students to work in pairs and describe each other briefly the best holiday they have ever had. T then elicits answers from different students.

Task #1 (10-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of turn-taking skills without input

T sets the task that the Ss is going to work in groups to make a holiday plan together. T asks students to imagine that they have a budget of a 100000 Turkish lira that they can use to plan this holiday together. They each must think about their likes& dislikes, expectations and priorities and try to meet on common ground about the details of this holiday. T asks them to settle issues such as place, transportation, accomodation, duration and expenses and make sure that everyone in the group contributes to the discussion. T the asks if they have been able to reach any decisions and elicits short answers

Input (12-15 minutes) • To help students analyze and notice turn-taking by watching a model and introduce them with turn-taking expressions

Then T explains that she is making some holiday plans with 2 of her friends. T tells students that they are going to watch a video showing them discussing their holiday plans. Before watching, T asks students to think about how this discussion in the video is different from theirs? T also asks Ss to think about the following questions as they watch: Did two people speak at the same time or take turns? How did we decide who was going to speak next? What did we say when we wanted to say something? Ss then discuss their answers briefly in in pairs (1 min). T then tries to elicit that in the video the speakers used turn-taking strategies, and explain why turn-taling is important in a spoken interaction. T then distributes the script of the video and asks students to work in pairs to find examples of how spekers take the floor (speaking first), invite someone else to speak, interrupt each other and hold to floor (continuing to speak) and complete the chart. T elicits answers from students and gives feedback. T then shows 4 additional turn-taking expressions and asks Ss to work in pairs and put them into the correct category. After whole-class feedback, T demonstrates the correct sentence-stress of these expressions and students practice both individual and WC drilling.

Practice (10-12 minutes) • To check Ss understanding of turn-taking expressions and provide with an opportunity to practice turn-taking in a controlled way.

First, T asks students to work alone and complete the dialogue on the handout with turn taking expressions in the box. The Ss do peer check and compare their answers. T elicits answers from the Ss, gives feeddback and provides clarification if needed. Then, Ss work individually and think about their answer the question "Is it better to go on holiday with friends or family?" for about 2 minutes. T encourages Ss to take notes so that they can use them during discussion. T then tells them that they are going the have another group discussion to reach a group decision. T deals out a set of cards to each student suggest diferent turn-taking strategies and explain that students must place them down as they think they have successfully done that thing during the discussion. The students must use all the cards at hand by the end of the discussion. T monitors closely during the discussion and notes down any mistakes. At the end, T draws Ss attention to the mistakes and provide delayed feedback

Task #2 (12-14 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T then rearranges the groups so that each group is different from the ones in the first task. T asks them to make holiday plans together again this time with their new groups by using turn-taking strategies as much as possible. T assigns one of the students in each group to in put a tick on a checklist that will show how many times the group members used one of the turn-taking strategies. Ss makes new holiday plans in their new groups. T monitors closely and takes notes of any common/recurrent mistakes. at the end of the activity, T asks students to briefly talk about their decisions.

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on performance, delayed error correction, and further clarification

T checks the checklists to see how many times each group tried turn-taking strategies. T praises and complements students on their performance, and draws their attention to some of the common mistakes. T ten asks students how they feel about their second performance when compared to the first one and elicits answers.

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