Michael Galant Michael Galant

TP5 - Galant
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about vocabulary related to crime. The vocabulary is set in the context of a reading on news reports, through which students will also develop their reading skills. The lesson will be in PPP format, with a brief language clarification of the vocabulary, and hopefully much student-centered practice.


Main Aims

  • To introduce, or in some cases review, lexis related to crime in the context of news reports on crime.

Subsidiary Aims

  • For the students to practice reading, both for gist and for specific information, in the context of news reports on crime.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set the context for and stimulate interest in the text, activating students' relevant schemata.

T tells brief anecdote about a time he experienced a crime. T asks Ss if they have ever had anything stolen from them.

Setting the Context/Reading for Gist (4-6 minutes) • To set the context (text) for the language-focused lesson, while providing practice in the sub-skill of reading for gist.

T chests text, introducing the topic of crime in the news. T instructs Ss to keep HO folded, quickly read the text (given about two minutes), and match the news headlines to the stories. ICQ: Are we going to unfold the HO? (No). T distributes HO. Ss complete exercise while T monitors. FB: Ss check answers in pairs, then T elicits answers in WC FB.

Reading for Specific Information/Lexis Introduction and Controlled Practice 1 (5-7 minutes) • For the Ss to figure out the meaning of the TL from the context, while developing their sub-skill of reading for specific information.

T instructs Ss to unfold previous HO. T instructs Ss to use the words that are highlighted in the text to fill in the gaps of these sentences. Ss complete exercise while T monitors. FB: Students check in pairs. T gives markers to early finishers to write answers on WB. T briefly goes over answers on WB, focusing on problem areas.

Language Clarification/Presentation 1 (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning (already touched upon), form, and pronunciation of TL before Ss practice on their own.

Ss have already completed exercise that gives basic definitions of TL. T asks CCQ's (see Language Analysis) to ensure that Ss comprehend meaning. T drills pronunciation of lexis. T writes phonology and stress next to lexis on WB. See LA. T clarifies form of lexis, eliciting parts of speech from Ss. See LA.

Reading for Specific Information/Lexis Introduction and Controlled Practice 2 (6-8 minutes) • To introduce the rest of the lexis in the context of the news reports, while providing Ss with scanning practice.

T chests ex3 HO, instructs Ss to match the words from the word bank to the gaps in the news stories. T notes that Ss can use the earlier text for help with most of the words. T distributes HO. Ss complete exercise while T monitors. FB: Ss first check answers in pairs. T then provides answer key on WB, which Ss can use to check answers.

Language Clarification/Presentation 2 (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the rest of the TL before Ss practice on their own.

Ss have already completed exercise that introduces meaning of TL. T reads definitions of lexis, asking Ss to choose which word is correct. T asks CCQ's (see Language Analysis) to ensure that Ss comprehend meaning. T drills pronunciation of lexis. T writes phonology and stress next to lexis on WB. See LA. T clarifies form of lexis, eliciting parts of speech from Ss. See LA.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with a semi-controlled practice that utilizes the target language.

T instructs Ss to get into pairs. T explains that in this exercise, Ss will each receive a few pictures. They are first going to work in pairs, to describe their pictures to their partner using the new lexis. Ss are not to show each other their pictures. T distributes pictures. Ss discuss while T monitors, noting errors. ICQ: Are we going to show our pictures to our partners? (No). T then instructs pairs to decide what order they think the pictures go in, still without showing their pictures. Ss discuss while T monitors. FB: T elicits order of pictures from students, requiring them to describe the answers using the vocabulary, not just by showing the picture. T puts pictures in order on WB.

(If-time) Freer Practice/Production (6-10 minutes) • To allow Ss to practice producing the TL in a freer context.

Now that the pairs have put the pictures in order, T instructs pairs to, together, write a short newspaper report trying to incorporate as many of the vocabulary words as possible. Ss complete exercise while T monitors. T writes overheard errors on WB. FB: T asks pairs how many of the vocabulary words they used. If there's time, T elicits corrections to errors written on WB.

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