denisse de la rosa denisse de la rosa


Abc Google slides
Abc google forms
Abc Google Forms CP.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Functional Language for responding sympathetically

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To develop students' listening skills in gist understanding. • To develop students’ speaking skills and fluency in conversation. •To develop students' confidence in situations where they may need to apply some sympathetic expressions


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(SHARE SCREEN OF SLIDE 1) T: Do you consider yourself to be generally (sympathetic or not? Who do you turn to if you need a sympathetic listener?

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T: Let SS know they are going to listen an audio together about a diferent situationes where we can or can't be sympathetic. While you are listening, I want you to answer these three questions: T. shows the ss a slyde where they can see the questions. (PLAY AUDIO…. 3:19 MINS. WHILE PLAYING AUDIO, T ARRANGE BREAKOUT ROOMS.) T: What is the person's problem in each case? Is the listener very sympathetic, reasonably sympothetic or not very sympathetic? What suggestions does he/she make?

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T. sends link to Google Forms in Zoom chat. T gives instructions "I will split you up into breakout rooms of 3 people and you will have 2 minutes to discuss whether the phrases are “very sympathetic” ,“fairly sympathetic” or "unsympathetic". SS. discuss their answers in pairs (2 min). T Conduct Open Class Feedback (OCFB) to discuss and confirm correct answers

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T. shares the screen and presents a google slays presentation containing sentences, then begins asking students questions about the meaning, form, and stress of the words. T. confirms meaning, form, and pronunciation through modeling, elicitation, and drilling. T. highlights sentence stress and linking on the screen. "Try not to worry about it." Word stress: "worry" is stressed, so it's pronounced like "WOR-ree" with emphasis on the first syllable. Contraction: There's a contraction, "not" is contracted to "n't" in "don't." "You must be really worried." Word stress: "worried" is stressed, so it's pronounced like "WOR-ree-ed" with emphasis on the first syllable. Contraction: There's no contraction in this sentence. "Don't worry. It doesn't matter." Word stress: "worry" in the first sentence and "matter" in the second sentence are stressed. Contraction: "doesn't" is a contraction of "does not" in the second sentence. "That sounds awful!" Word stress: "awful" is stressed, so it's pronounced like "AW-full" with emphasis on the first syllable. Contraction: There's no contraction in this sentence. "There's no point in getting upset about it." Word stress: "point" is stressed in the first part, and "upset" is stressed in the second part. Contraction: "There's" is a contraction of "There is" in the first part. "Calm down!" Word stress: "calm" is stressed, so it's pronounced like "CALM" with emphasis on the first syllable. Contraction: There's no contraction in this sentence. "How annoying!," Word stress: "annoying" is stressed, so it's pronounced like "an-NOY-ing" with emphasis on the second syllable.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T. lets students know about the next activity in breakout rooms, where they will work together to go over the phrases. T. gives instructions: "You will choose which ones are the best answer for each scenario. You have three to four minutes to complete this task. Students go to breakout rooms (4 minutes). T. conducts whole-class feedback (2-3 minutes).

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T explain the next activity to the students: "Talk with your partners about a difficulty or happy experience you have had in the past, and answer them sympathetically" T gives a demo "Two days ago, my sister left the gate open, and my dog went out onto the street. We haven't found him yet." Response: "You must be really worried. Have you tried putting up some missing pet posters on the streets?" Ss. Discuss in pairs in BOR’s. Teacher monitors. (4min) T nominate some Ss. to share their opinions or responses to the activity. T encourage a brief whole-class discussion based on the responses. T share a Zoom board to note down mistakes heard during the conversation.

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