Dana Dana

Copy of Teaching Practice 8
Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson students learn some functional language about giving and receiving compliments. They are going to practice the target language first, and at the end of the lesson, they are going to have a chance to use the language in a freer environment.


Abc listening options hand-out
Abc listening scripts
Abc Write down a compliment
Abc Role-play cards
Abc Cut-outs for functional language
Abc Substition Drill Cards
Abc Powerpoint Dialogue

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a chain drills and short dialogues in the context of giving and receiving compliments
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a dialogue in the context of giving and receiving compliments.
  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for giving and receiving compliments in the context of party

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about giving and receiving compliments
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about giving and receiving compliments in the context of party


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher starts the lesson by giving compliments to the students. Ex: Demir, what a nice t-shirt. Where did you buy it? Nesrin, nice shoes. I love .....(color). Teacher tells them they are going to talk about parties and asks them the questions: * Do you often go to parties? * What type of parties do you go to? * Do you enjoy talking to people you don't know? Students talk in pairs and teacher monitors them then she asks their opinions.

Pre-Listening (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through pictures

-she shows the pictures and tells them to talk about pictures in pairs. She asks the questions : * What do you think the people are talking about? * Which party would you prefer to be at? Why?

Highlighting (1-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Teacher tells them when we go to party, we talk about music, clothes etc. When we talk to people, we generally tell nice things about their appearence, the thing they do etc. We praise them by giving....(teacher expects the word "compliment"). CCQs:, When we give a compliment, do we say nice things or bad things?-nice things When we give a copmliment, do we make people happy or sad? -happy When we give a complimemnt, do we tell the truth or not? -tell the truth Is " you look beautiful " a complimnet? -yes

Listening for gist #1 (3-4 minutes) • To let the learners hear the functional language in a context and to enable them develop their ability to listen for gist.

Teacher tells them they are goi,ng to listen four dialogues and they are going to match the dialogues with the pictures. Teacher plays the audio file. They listen and check their answers in pairs. If they all did correct, teacher doesn't give a feedback and tells them "well done you all did great job"

Listening for a specific information #2 (3-4 minutes) • o provide students with more challenging detailed listening task

Teacher tells the students that they are going to listen the same dialogues again and they are going to choose what they are talking about among the headings. There are extra two headings. Students check in pairs and then whole class feedback is given.

Presenting Target Language (3-5 minutes) • To teach the learners the functional langugae

The teacher divides the class into two groups ( according to weak and strong ones). She gives them the cut-outs(pink for one group, yellow for the other) and she writes gibing complimnets /receiving compliments twice on the board for two groups. First, she wants them to put the remarks under the correct category. ICQs: Are you working alone or in groups? - Yes Are you using the cut-outs? _Yes Are you putting them in the right category? Yes. They check other group's answers. If there is an error teacher shows it and tries to elicit the meaning. Second, she wants them to match the compliments and answers. Each group checks the other's answers.

Drilling the Target Language (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with the accurate use of the target language.

The teacher writes/stickes the sentence on the board. This chicken is delicious. She models the sentence and drills it first in groups, in pairs and individually. Then, she writes/stickes "I am glad you liked it" and models and drill it. Than she expects half of the class to say this chicken is delicious, I am glad you liked it. Then she uses the substitions and expects them to use target language accurately. She writes/stickes other compliments and their returns on the board. She shows substition cards and expects the learners to use the right compliment pattern.

Controlled Practice with Dialogues (3-4 minutes) • To provide students to use the target language accurately

The teacher shows one listening script on the PowerPoint First she plays the audio record and pauses after each remark and tells them to repeat the remarks. Afther they practiced the remark, she tells the class that half of the class is A and half of the class is B. She expects them to act the dialogue. In this stage, she focuses their tone of voice and intonation.

Optional semi-controlled practice (3-4 minutes) • To provide students further practice

The teacher gives other dialogues and tells the students to write down their own dialogues based on these ones. Then they act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Optional semi-controlled practice #2 (2-3 minutes) • To provide students further practice

If there is a lot of time, the teacher gives the handout and tells the learners to write down appropriate returns to the compliments. Students check in pairs. Teacher monitors and if there is a problem, she corrects.

Freer Practice (scenario 1) (3-4 minutes) • To allow students an opportunity to use this language in a meaningful, real world-context

Teacher tells them to stand up and mingle in the class. While mingling give compliments to your firends. When you get a compliment, you should accept it in a proper way and you can give a compliment in return. Teacher monitors and takes some notes.

Pre-teach vocabulary (1-2 minutes) • To prepare students for the the activity.

Teacher writes host................................guest on the board and ask them for the definiton. If they explain the definiton, she only uses CCQs to check it. CCQs: Host..................Guest: 1. If people are coming to your party, are you a guest or a host? – a host 2. If you are going to someone’s party, are you a guest or a host? – a guest If they do not know the meaning the teacher elicits it by givig them : Host(n)................................Guest(noun) If you are givng a party you are the................ If someone invited you to the party you are the.................. Then she models and drills the pronunciation.

Freer Practice (scenario 2) (8-10 minutes) • To allow students an opportunity to use this language in a meaningful, real world-context

Teacher makes pairs and gives them situation cards. She asks them to talk to their pairs and prepare a mini-dialogue by speaiking and when they are ready act-out the dialogue in front of their friends. While preparing, teacher monitors and if they need some help, she helps. While monitoring she takes some notes.

Delayed Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To allow students an opportunity to correct their own mistakes

If there is time left, teacher writes some sentences on the board. These sentences were based on students' remarks. Some of the sentences are true and some are false. SHe expects the learners to talk in pairs and decide which sentences are true, which have some errors.

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