Oscar Sainz Oscar Sainz

Animals Lesson
Intermediate, College Students, B1 level


In this lesson, students will train and develop their reading comprehension throughout a series of activities based on reading texts of animal-themed topics. The lesson begins with a brief discussion about learners taste on animals and a small opinion sharing momento about their thoughts on zoos. This is followed by an activity when students match cards according to several images. Finally there is a moment of controlled practice where the teachers asks students to read certain texts and obtain certain information from them in order to solve the excercises.


Abc Zoom application.

Main Aims

  • Students will train and develop their reading comprehension and information extraction skills through the lesson activities.
  • Students will improve their capacity of finding keywords or important information among long texts, making easier the finding of concrete answers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will gain a mildly significant new amount of voacaculary regarding the context of animals, zoos and animal-caring.


Warm-up/Lead-in activity (1-4 minutes) • To put students into context and draw their attention.

I'll state 2 main questions regarding more or less the theme of the lesson: "Do you like visiting zoos?" "Do you think zoos are good or bad for animals?" and "Why"? I will give them 1 minute to think an answer and then ask them to write it on the chat. After that we will have a brief discussion about them.

Matching cards (2-3 minutes) • To test the capability of the students to relate concepts as well as see how much of previous knowledge they actually have.

The students will be presented a set of 3 pictures, and along with them, a series of cards of different colors, each one belongs to areas such as "word", "meaning" "pronunciation" and "type of word"; everythinf located in jamboard. Learners then will be allowed to interact with the cards, instructed to match the cards with its respective picture and color. During the course of it, I might make small observations about the concepts they are interacting with. I may as well, be disposed to make repetition exercises so I make sure they learn how to pronounce the new vocabulary.

Article Task (2-4 minutes) • To test and train students capability to extract the main idea from a text

Students will be presented 3 options for main idea about an article, which topic is "Lujan" Zoo in Argentina, located inside a google forms. After reading the options, they will read the text for about 2 minutes. Subsequently, I will separate them into breakout groups so they can discuss their answers. Finally, the correct answer will be displayed

True or false questions (2-6 minutes) • To test and challenge students to recall more specific information from a test in a not so overwehlming way.

I will ask students to read the same article again, but this time, they will respond to a series of statements regarding the context of the article text. Recalling the read information, they will have to decide if the statements are true or false. They are given 2 minutes to read and answer. After answering the learners will be sent to break-away rooms to compare answers. Finally, I (the teachers) will show the correct answers.

Final discussion. (5-10 minutes) • To promote communication between classmates and enforced the learnt content that was seen all over the lesson

Students will be presented a series of open questions about the previously read article: "What do you think of Lujan Zoo?" "Would you like to go thetre" "Why or why not?" Students then will be sent once more to the break away rooms to discuss their opinions and thoughts of the topic, answering the questions in the process. After the minutes of the break-away rooms are done, students will be asked to share what did they discuss to the teacher and the rest of the class.

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