Reading skills
Grade 7 level
Main Aims
To provide detailed reading practice using a text about Idioms in the context of Are students reading instructions and applying them to the work needed.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of Students learning new words by looking at context clues in the context of Titanic reading comprehension.
Procedure (35-50 minutes)
Students will be asked to take out their students books. I will tell them a word and they will have to find it. Advancing past this they will be asked more general information such as " what is the woman holding on page 12"
Students will be given a mini test. The purpose of this test is not to review the students' knowledge on idioms. This test is to test and check which students are reading and following the instructions carefully. Students will all be told they are doing a test and that they will be given 3 minutes to complete it. The mini tests will be placed face down and students desk and be told when to start. Once complete we will do a class check to see which students achieved the outcome. Later as a whole we will review the idioms in the test.
Cover general Reading Techniques, Skimming - purpose and application Scanning - purpose and application Context clues for new words
Provide students with the reading comprehension. Once students have the worksheet they may begin the task
This section will focus on checking answers and asking students if they were able to apply some of the reading skills to effectively find the answers within the text.
Students are able to choose a topic and challenge the teacher to a completive game on bamboozle