Esraa Esraa

A2 level


This session will be focused on two main skills which are Reading and speaking. Following the receptive skills approach and the speaking approach, They will learn some new useful phrases and new words to use in the context of talking about jobs.


Abc reading task
Abc PowerPoint
Abc The board
Abc matching handout

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about good jobs and bad jobs
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a role-play Hr. and interviewee in the context of talking about jobs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of good jobs and bad jobs
  • To provide practice of language used for talking about jobs


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The warmer: 1- T will play a "board race" about jobs with the students 2- T will set the game as the following:- * T will ask the ss to stand up in 2 equal lines facing the board * T will give each team a marker * T will set a one-minute timer * T will write "jobs" on the board * T will explain that they have to write as many words as they can in 1 minute and they should write only one word each. 3- Ask the following ICQs: - Will you write words about anything or jobs only? Jobs only - will you write many words at once or one word each? One word - will you do this slowly or quickly? quickly 4- T starts the game 5- when the time goes off, T count the words to find the winning team 6- T praises the winners 7- T will move to the objectives (in the PowerPoint) 8- T will start the lead-in * T will Show them a phrase to discuss (in the PowerPoint) * T will ask, What do you understand? Do you agree or disagree? explain. 9. T will set a 2 minutes timer 10. Ask them to work in pairs 11.T asks ICQs: Are you explaining your opinion in detail or not? In detail will you work alone or with a partner? With a partner how many minutes do you have? 2 12.T will Monitor and provide support if needed 13. Take the content feedback by asking each pair what they talked about. Are there any interesting answers or not? ....... Etc.

Pre-Reading (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T will set the context of the reading task by saying:- you will read an article about 2 people talking about a good job and a bad job but before reading let's check some new words. In this part, T will introduce some blocking words to facilitate the reading process. The stages:- 1. T will show the ss some definitions and will ask them to match the words with the correct definitions. 2. T will ask them to work alone. T asks ICQs: -Are you matching the definitions with words from your head or the from the box? From the box -Are you working alone or with a partner? Alone 3. T will set a one-minute timer 4. when the time goes off, T will ask them to check in pairs. 5. T will discuss the answers with them. 6. T will explain the words using MPF (clarified in the language analysis sheet) 7. T will move smoothly from this part to the reading task

While-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading tasks

In this part, Ss will be introduced to the reading text 1. T will say, you're going to read a text now. Read it and tell me, do they like their jobs or not? 2. T will ICQs: * Will you read or listen? Read * How many people are there? 2 * You are reading only or reading and answering the question? Answer the question 3. T sets 2 minutes timer 4. Ask them to work alone 5. when the timer goes off, T will ask them to check with a partner 6. T will give and take feedback

While-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging specific reading tasks

in this part, Ss will read again but this time to get more information about the people in the topic. 1. T will show them (Task 2) 2. T will ask them to read again and fill in the table alone for 3 min. 3. T will ICQs: * Will you read again or answer from your memory? Read again * Will you work alone or with a partner? Alone * Are you writing about the advantages or disadvantages or both? both 4. T will set the timer 5. when the time goes off, T will ask them to check in pairs 6. T provides feedback

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. T will provide a follow-up task and ask them to discuss their thoughts together. 2. Ss will answer this question in pairs "Do you think their reasons to love or hate their jobs are good reasons? why?" 3. T will set a 3 minutes timer 4. T ICQs: * Are you working alone or with a partner? with a partner * Are you writing anything or only speaking? only speaking 4. T monitor to provide support if needed and take notes of their language 5. when the Timer goes off, T will take the content feedback 6. T will set another speaking task (PowerPoint) 7. T will give them 5 minutes to share their ideas 8. T monitor to provide support if needed and take notes of their language 9. When the Timer goes off, T will take the content feedback 10. T will provide language feedback by writing their language inaccuracies on the board 11. T will pair them up again to correct themselves 12. T provides correct answers. 13. T will smoothly move from this part to the next part by asking "Are you nervous because of interviews or you don't care?"

Lead-in/ setting the context (3-5 minutes) • to generate interest in the topic

1. T will show them the video lead-in questions on the PowerPoint "When was the last time you had an interview? How was it ?" 2. T will ask them to work in pairs 3. T will set 3 minutes timer 4. T will monitor 5. when the timer goes off, T will take the content feedback 6.T will set the context by showing them the paused video and eliciting what they can understand suggested questions: * what is his job? * is he good at it?

Preparation (6-10 minutes) • To give students the language needed for the speaking task.

1. T will say that we are going to watch a video about 4 people talking about their jobs, watch it and tell me, what are their jobs? 2. T asks ICQs: * How many people are in the video? * Are you watching the video only or watching and finding their jobs? 3. T will give them (task 3) 4. T will play the video 5. once they finish, pair them up to check their answers 6. T gives feedback

The useful language (10-15 minutes) • To provide the students with the useful phrases needed for the speaking task

1. T will chest (task 4) 2. T will ask Ss, what other questions mean "What's your job?" 3. T will do the same with number 2 in (task 4) 4. T will ask them to watch the video again and find these phrases 5. T asks ICQs: * Will you find the phrases in the video? yes * Will you work alone or in pairs? alone T should give Ss time to read the phrases before watching it again 6. when they finish, ask them to check in pairs 7. T provides feedback. 8. T will set up a useful language game. (task 5) 9. It will be like the following, * T will print it out * T will cut the HR and the interviewee phrases into strips of paper * T will mingle the strips together * T will divide the board into 2 columns, (HR & interviewee) * T will set a timer of 1-2 minutes * T will ask Ss to categorize the questions and the answers 10. T will ask ICQs: - How many parts do we have? 2 parts - Are you matching the sentences and the questions? yes - Are you putting them under the correct person? yes - How many minutes do you have? 2 11. T starts the game 12. T provides feedback once it finishes 13. T praises the winners 14. T will go through the phrases and the questions again to check their understanding and their pronunciation

The speaking task (15-20 minutes) • To give the students time to practice what they have learned and speak freely

1. T will set the speaking task as the following * T will write (HR and interviewee) on different pieces of paper based on the Ss number * T folds these papers and asks each Ss to choose one * T divides the class into two teams, HR and interviewee * T asks each team to prepare some questions and answers to ask the other team * T will give them time to prepare (5min.) 2. T will monitor and provide support 3. T will ask ICQs: - Are you working alone or with your team? With my team - Are you thinking of questions or answers or both? both 4. when they finish, T will ask them to sit facing each other, an HR and an interviewee 5. ask them to interview each other and evaluate each other's performance 6. T will monitor and write language feedback

Feedback (5-10 minutes) • To give and take both content and language feedback

1. Once they finish the speaking task, T will ask for the content feedback for example:- how was he as an HR? what did you like about your partner? what points he/ she should avoid in the next interview? ...........etc. 2. T praises the Ss for their hard work 3. T provides some language feedback 4. T asks them to correct in pairs 5. T correct with the whole class

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