TenA TenA

intermediate level


In this lesson students are learning about the correct way of using the future tenses like "will", "won't" and "going to" to describe an future event. teaching them how to differentiate the use of these terms in different situations properly and I should also try to deepen their understanding of the lesson by giving them enough practice materials of the said topic.


Abc American English File Student Book
Abc Board
Abc Video
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of use of future terms in the context of Spring Holidays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy in their speaking practices in a Conversation, and letting them to hold a Conversation with their classmates in the context of What will they do in upcoming spring holidays


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Allowing the students to get familiar with the topic faster

I will talk about the upcoming spring holidays and what I want to do or the places I want to go or even talk about the relatives and friends that i want to meet in holidays

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • Letting students get closer to the topic

In this step i want students to talk about their own plans for holidays

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with specific information about "do/don't"s in their "reading/listening" tasks

In this stage I'll pick some students then ask them to repeat what they said in the previous conversation. Then, I'll write exactly what they said on the board. If there was any problems in their grammar or if they said it wrongly, I'll write the correct words on board and then I rewrite the sentences in correct form

Clarification (14-16 minutes) • To clarify the correct use of grammar, meaning and pronunciation

At this point i will draw a timeline on the board to show them when we'll use "will" and "won't". and explain the differences between "going to" and "will/won't" by writing some other examples on the board.

Controlled practice (12-14 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

First, I'll check whether the student have understood the meaning of the lesson or not, I'll give them some practices from their books and workbooks to do and may even use some other practices that I found useful from other sources.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • Let them engage more into the topic

At last, I'd like to give Students some free Practice time for them to take a breath and have fun. for the ending of the lesson, I want to give them a topic to talk about, like "how they would like to spend their holidays" and let them discuss it between themselves. And after the discussion I'll correct the missing points and mistakes in a general way.

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