Catella Gandolfo Catella Gandolfo

TP3 LP Catella Gandolfo
Pre-Intermediate level


Use an authentic text to present health related vocabulary before giving the students controlled and freer opportunities to practice.


Main Aims

  • To introduce, provide clarification, and provide practice opportunities for health related vocabulary in the context of conversations between friends

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking and reading practice.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(T-Ss) Today's topic will be healthy/unhealthy food. T shares screen and demonstrates how to discuss questions and submit answers by nominating a student to answer and give reasons.Do you eat healthy? Why? T asks students how long the activity will be and if they work alone or with a partner. T shares link to form: T Opens breakout rooms (1min) (S-S) Students discuss in breakout rooms. (3min) (T-Ss) Teacher checks submission answers and gives feedback.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shares screen with picture of Alex and Emma at the cafe T shares picture of Emma and Alex: What are Alex and Emma doing? What do you think they are talking about You will take 2 minutes to individually read an article where Emma and Alex have a conversation at a cafe. You will then have a discussion with a partner to decide who eats healthier. T shares link with article How many times will you read the article? What do you discuss with your partner? Students compare answers in pairs in breakout rooms. Feedback: T asks students who they think eats healthier food.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shares screen with clarification activity and explains procedure. You will answer these questions with a partner. Please complete and submit one form each. Do you work with a partner? How long do you have for this activity? T shares link T opens breakout rooms Students work with a partner for 8 minutes. T provides feedback T shares document to work on form and pronunciation of TL and elicit meaning, form, and pronunciation

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T tells students they will take 3 minutes to work individually to complete a fill in the blanks activity. T shares screen with google slides to demonstrate the activity. How long will the task be? Do you work individually? T shares activity link : T tells students they will take 2 minutes to compare answers in breakout rooms. T opens breakout rooms Students work on the activity T conducts feedback

Free Practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T tells students they will have a conversation with their partner(partners) about what they like to eat and drink. T tells students to take 1 minute to plan what they will talk about. For example, I would write down I drink coffee, tea, and water and no fizzy drinks. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables and no fried food. But if I go to a party I will eat and drink tasty food even if it's unhealthy. T gives students one minute to plan. T opens breakout rooms. Teacher monitors students in the breakout rooms and, once rooms close, conducts Feedback and DEC at the end of activity.

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