Meti Meti

Future tenses such as will and wont even going to
B1 level


In this lesson students going to learn how they can describe future events by themselves and i will provide a clarification between going to and will to recognize usage area then i want to go into some practices


Abc Board
Abc American English File book
Abc Picture
Abc Video

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Will and wont and going to in the context of What will they do in upcoming week

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in a Conversations with their partner in the context of What will they do in next weekend


Warmer/Lead_in (2-3 minutes) • To engage students to the topic

I will talk about my upcoming event which what will i do and were i will go

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • Providing a situation to reach to target language

In this step i want students to talking about their plan for the next week or weekend

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • Students learn if they had used grammer wrong or right and draw their attention to target language

In this stage I randomly pick some of my students then want them to repeat what did they say then I write them all in board even if they said it wrong then I rewrite the sentence into correct form

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the grammar and meaning and pronunciation

Here i will draw timeline m on the board to clarify when we use will and wont and even differences between going to and will/wont by writing some examples

Controlled practice (10-15 minutes) • To check the student whether they get the meaning

I will play a video that includes some examples with will then i want student to write the sentences as much as they know then I will say them to answer the excercise page 137 with their partner and then i will replace them with other partner at last I randomly pick some of students to answer the question then answers will be checked by me and whole class

Free Practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide Students with free Practice of Target Language

In this stage I will show them some pictures then i will put them in some groups to talk about the picture in future form

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