António António

Copy of Demonstrative Pronouns
Beginner level


In this lesson Ss learn about demonstrative pronouns and talk about everyday objects


Abc Student's book
Abc Some school and everyday objects (pens, laptop, phone,chair, books..)
Abc Teacher-made HO
Abc Recording 7.4
Abc Student's book

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of demonstrative pronouns(This,that,these,those) in the context of school and everyday objects

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide language practice of Wh- Qs


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T elicits the ideas. T: OK. My job. I am a ... I work at a ..... S: ... teacher. ... school. T: Yess! Good! What objects can you see in a school? S: ....

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situation

- T: This is my bag. What's in it? Think and make a list with your partners. ICQ- Alone or together? Alone. - T draws a circle on the board and writes 'OBJECTS' in it. T: Write your answers on the board. (WCFB)

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-T takes the objects in the bag out and puts on a desk in front of the classroom. T: This is my phone. That is my eraser. This my sharpener. That is my pencilcase. This is my pen. That is my laptop.

Clarification (4-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T demonstrates 'this' T: This is my book.(holding the book) CCQs: 1. One or two books? One. 2. Is it in my hand? Yes. 3. Is it very near me? Yes. - T demonstrates 'that' T: That is my book. CCQs: 1. How many books? One or two? One. 2. Is it in my hand? No 3. Is it near me? No 4. Can I see my book? Yes. - T draws a small chart SING. NEAR this FAR that -T: What is this? (Driiling and showing an object) Ss: This is a ... T: What is that? (Drilling and showing an object) Ss: That's a ...

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-T shows the examples in ex.1 on page 50. T: Complete the sentences with 'this' or 'that'. you have 3' ICQ- Are you writing or listening? Writing. How much time do you have? 3' T: Check your answers with your partners. T: Listen and check oyur answers. (WCFB)

Clarification and Controlled Practice 2 (6-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language and to concept check , preparing Ss more meaningful practice

-T demonstrates 'these' T: These are my books. CCQs- 1.One or two books? Two books. These are chairs. 2. Are they in my hand? Yes. These are pens. 3. Are they near me? Yes. -T demonstrates 'those' T: Those are my books. CCQs- 1. How many books? Two. Those are chairs. 2. Are they in my hand? No. Those are my pens. 3. Are they near me? No. 4. Can I see the books?Yes. - T writes sentences on the board and draws a chart. This is a book. That is a book. These are books. Those are books. T: Look at the sentences and complete the it with your partners. SING PL NEAR this (ðıs) these (ði:s) FAR that those - Ss come to board and write their answers. - T makes clear the pronunciation differences between 'this' and 'these'

Semi Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-T projects teacher-made HO on the board T: Circle the best answer. You have 3' Do it yourself. ICQ- How much time? 3' T: Check with your partner. - T projects the answer key.

Free Practice (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T introduces he Qs. What is this? What are these? This is a book. These are books. What is that? What are those? That is a book. Those are books. -T drills Qs one by one chorally and in open pair. T: What objects do you see? Ss: Chairs , desk windows. - Demo the activity with a S. T: Work with a partner. Ask and answer Qs. ICQ- 1.Alone or together? Together. 2. Spaeking or writing? Speaking. -T monitors the class and makes oral error correction if necessary.

Language Practice (3-4 minutes) • To practice Wh- Qs through some exercises

-T projects ex. 4 on page 51 T: Match the Qs with the answers. You have 3' ICQ- 1.Are you matching? Yes. 2. How much time? T: Check with your partner. -T projects the answer key.

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