sheila latifian sheila latifian

pre intermidiate level


Abc american file 2
Abc american file 2
Abc american file 2
Abc board

Main Aims

  • grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide


Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • to draw students attention to the target language

I will write some examples on the board . I will choose from my student sentences and If some of them have made some wrong sentences , I will correct them.

warmer/lead-in • to set lesson context and engage students

One of my friends won a lot of money in the lottery , He is going to set up his own business , he is going to help people and he is going to buy a farm.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • to provide context for the taget language through a text or situation

In this stage I ask my students to talk about their plan for the future .

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • to draw students attention to the target language

I will start eliciting the meaning by explaining on the board and showing my students when this tense refers to .

controlled practice • to concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The students are going to the exercise on page 110 in a group . the answers will be checked with the whole class , they have 10 min to the task.

free practice (8-10 minutes) • to provide students with free practice of the target language

I will give my students some practices in order to use going to.

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