Alexandra van den Heever Alexandra van den Heever

Used to + Would - Grammar and Speaking
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice "used to" and "would" when talking about a repeated action or state in the past.


Abc Textbook Handout #1
Abc Textbook Handout #3
Abc Textbook Handout #2
Abc CD player

Main Aims

  • To practice "used to" and "would" for repeated actions/states

Subsidiary Aims

  • Telling an anecdote reusing the target language


Lead-In/Setting Context (5-7 minutes) • To get students speaking and using language to talk about past actions or states

Show students chart with six past actions/states. Tell students to mingle and find one person who used to do each thing. ICQ: are you going to write the same name in each box or find a different person for each?

GRAMMAR #1 (7-10 minutes) • To have students show they can use alternative verb structures for repeated action/state in the past and present

Put Textbook scan on WB through projector. Tell students to refer back to handout given by Elena. Work with a partner and complete activity #1. Draw timelines for each category. First two answers given (put the printed slips in the chart on board) Hands out slips with sentences from activity once students are done so they can put them on board in the proper category. Teacher makes quick corrections if needed, and asks some CCQ's.

GRAMMAR #2 (6-9 minutes) • To have students practice grammar of "used to" and "would"

Tell them to work in pairs on Activity #2. It will be helpful to ask yourself if it is a state or an action. Give handout. Get early finishers to come up and write which numbers they think are correct on the WB. Do an example on the board of rewriting the first one. Practice pronunciation: "I USED TO cycle to school every morning." "I DIDN'T USE TO cycle to school every morning." "I WOULD cycle to school every morning." Then have them go through individually and rewrite the sentences so that they are true for themselves.

SPEAKING #1 (8-10 minutes) • To listen to an anecdote and get information from it

Explain what an anecdote is. Ask CCQ's like: Would you be telling an anecdote if you said something that isn't true? Listening 2.04 Tell students they will do a listening, and they have to figure out which questions he did not answer in his speech. Play listening once, let them think about it and peer check, then play again. Give students instructions to then match the questions with the answers. If they need the listening again, play it.

SPEAKING #2 (6-8 minutes) • Get students to tell anecdotes about themselves

Tell students they need to work with a partner and tell an anecdote about themselves. Ask CCQ like: if you are telling an anecdote about yourself, are you saying something that is true or false? Will it be a story from the past or your childhood? Give handout #3

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