Melissa Marroquín Ríos Melissa Marroquín Ríos

Text based Lesson
Elementary level


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practiced their vocabulary and have clarified the MFP of each of the language reviewed .

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To develop active listening.
  • • To develop speaking fluency related to the vocabulary .


Warmer/Lead-in (4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will ask students how are they doing, afterwards, she will display a slide showing the question "What do you think Hollywood actors do?", T then will send a link to ss to go to and enter the code on the screen, so that they can submit their answers to it (thye'll have 1-2 minutes). Answers will appear on the screen, T will elicit several ss why they chose that.

Exposure (8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss will work in pairs in BR's and guess at what time do actors (get up, have breakfast, have lunch, start work). They will have 2 minutes to guess the times together. After, T will show ss the text. They will have 2 minutes to read and check if their answers are correct. Afterwards, T will ask ss if their answers were correct, if not, elicit what are the correct answers

Clarification (15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will clarify MFP. Meaning: T will demonstrate meaning with a timeline, Ss will be able to intereact with the presentation and choose in which part of the spectrum the time of 3 sentences is located (past, present, future). That way, T will ensure ss participate and she will also elicit the answers and do CCQ's (Does this happen every day or in the past?) (is this a future action?) (5 minutes) Form: T will present form first by having a s read the underlined phrases on the text and elicit the type of phrase that it is (a question). Then T will explain the parts of said questions on a table, describing the formula to creat questions in present simple. Afterwards, T will explain that not all pronouns use "do" as auxiliary verb but "does" as well. T will point out which ones and elicit this information. After, she will have ss interact with the presentation once more to put in a correct order the scattered words to create a question. when ss do so T will check if they do it correctly. (5 minutes) Pronunciation: T will review pronunciation AFTER controlled practice to ensure ss have the complete idea of the meaning and form of the questions in present simple. T will show a slide in which she will conduct drilling and focus on pronuncation of each word as well as intonation. (5 minutes)

Controlled Practice (5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss will then answer a G-form creating questions, T will send link, give instructions and do ICQ's. Ss will make questions with the words given to them and submit them (Ss will have 5 minutes to answer). T will check answers with students.

Free Practice (9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will write down 5 questions about people's routines in the week or weekend, they'll have 3 minutes. After, T will assign BR's and put ss into pairs. Ss will ask each other the questions they wrote and ask further questions for 4-5 minutes. Afterwards, T will ask ss to tell one interesting fact they learned about their partner's routine.

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