Ahmed Salah Ahmed Salah

Real world
Elementary level


In this reading lesson, we'll embark on an exciting journey to explore two amazing places: Longleat and Regent's Park. These places are home to incredible wildlife and offer unique experiences for visitors. Through reading and discussion, students will learn about the animals that live there and the ways these places help protect and conserve wildlife.


Abc Google images
Abc Power point presentation
Abc Face2Face Elementary Book

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to a quire new vocabulary and gain knowledge about Longleat and Regent's Park.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enhance students speaking skills through a speaking task providing fluency and accuracy.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Greet my students. 2- Show Ss some pictures of wild animals 3- Ask Ss what comes to your mind when you see these pictures. 4- Ask some questions like : 1- Have you ever been to Safari Park before? 2- Would you like to visit a Safari Park? and which one would you like to visit?

Pre-teach vocab: (6-8 minutes) • Clarify the difficult words to make the text more accessible.

1- Show Ss some pictures related to some words from the reading text. 2-After each picture ask what comes to your mind when you see this picture. 3- Elicit some difficult words for the Ss. 4- Cover the meaning, Pronunciation of words like (Safari Park, the wild, guided tour, concert ... Etc) 5- Provide sentences from the reading texts to clarify the meaning of the word clearly.

While-Reading/Reading for gist (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks.

2-Show the reading texts to the students. 3-Explain what the Ss need to do. 4-Ask these ICQs: - Do they need to understand every word to find out? (Ss should say: No) - Will you ignore any difficult words to get the main idea? (Ss should say: Yes) 5- Tell the Ss that they will read it in just 2 minutes. 5-Let the Ss read the text and complete it in the main room. 6- Ask this question (Which place is more interesting, do you think? why? 7- Listen to different answer from the Ss and raise a discussion.

While-Reading2 reading for detailed comprehension. (11-13 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading

1- Show the reading texts again. 2- Explain what the Ss need to do. 3- Ask these ICQs: - Do they need to understand every word to find out? (Ss should say: No). - Will you ignore any difficult words to get the main idea? (Ss should say: Yes). 4- Give Ss enough time to read the text in 3 or 4 minutes. 5- Tell the Ss that they need to answer the questions below each picture and give them another 3 or 4 minutes. 6- Ss will do it indvidualy in the main room in 3 minutes then send them to BORs for peer check. 7- After the Ss come back start eliciting the answer.

Follow up task: (5-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned focusing on enhancing oral fluency through paired discussions

1- Explain what the Ss need to do. 2- Ss will ask each other two questions related to the reading texts -Which place would you like to visit, Longleat or Regent's Park? Why? - What animals are you most excited to see in the park you chose? - Talk about one thing you would like to do during your visit to the park. 3- Send the Ss to BORs to complete the task and give them 4 minutes. 4- Monitor the Ss in BORs.

Feedback (3-4 minutes) • To provide constructive guidance to help students improve their speaking skills.

1-After the Ss finish the speaking task i will choose one or two good sentences and two or three common mistakes and write them in a blank page . ask the Ss Is this sentence correct? How can we correct it? 2-Tell the students that I really enjoyed my time with them and end the session.

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