Zariah Zariah



Students will learn how to use past modal deductions. This lesson starts with a lead-in that will get students familiar with the idea of something from the past being a mystery. Next, students will get familiar with some of the language used in the audio. I have provided them with a blurb transcript, and they can brainstorm a title. Next, they will listen to the audio, followed by some questions that will dive deeper into the targeted language. Next, as a class, we will review MFP. For their controlled practice, they will complete a multiple-choice task to reinforce language usage, and they will collaborate in pairs to discuss their answers. Lastly, they will have a conversation using useful language with their partner. Anticipated Problem #1: Student may need clarity on (could, may, might) Solution #1: explain that they're all past possibilities, when you use them, you're guessing, and you don't have all of the information. And when using past possibilities, you can use any one. Anticipated Problem #2: Ss may need clarity in identifying how much something could or couldn't happen Solution #2: Must(90-100% true) Can't (90-100% not true) may & might (50/50 it is true or not true) Should (expecting it to be true) Anticipated Problem #3: Ss may be confused about who Ms. Redwood is in the audio because they introduce the Mom's first name but refer to her as Mrs. Redwoood Solution #3: Tell them the audio refers to the Mom as Ms. Redwood


Abc TP 8 Controlled Practice
Abc TP 8 Intensive Task
Abc Past Modal Deduction Presentation

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice past modals for deduction

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening for gist


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Have you had anything that mysteriously disappeared? T explains: I bought a dress last year, and it became one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe. I thought I couldn’t have lost it because I've only worn it once. I could have placed it in a bag while cleaning my closet, but I’m unsure.

Gist (2-3 minutes) • Helping students get familiarized with the general idea of the lesson.

Pull items from the transcript and have students create a title. 30 seconds to skim Nominate 2-3 students to share Transcript blurb: ….two English ladies, Elenor Redwood and her mother Clara, arrived in the city on their way back to London from India….escaping the latest outbreak…..the mother fell ill…..the doctor explained in English that he couldn’t leave because Mrs. Redwood was too ill… was four hours before Elenor returned….’I know nothing of your mother. You arrived here alone.’......her mother’s body was never found.

Intensive Task (6-8 minutes) • To help students identify the language.

Play the audio for the students. (≈3 minutes) Before we start, please review the questions. Model the first question. Why do you think the mother fell ill? She may have gotten a stomach virus. She must have caught the plague she was escaping. She may not have known she had an extremely high fever. Why do you think the doctor said he couldn't leave to get the medicine for Mrs. Redwood? He may have wanted to commit a crime while her daughter was gone because her mother was too ill to live. He couldn’t find a driver to take him to get the medicine. He might not have wanted to leave the hospital. Why was the daughter distraught? She was distraught because she knew something suspicious happened to her Mom. She couldn’t have left the hospital because she was too ill. She may have been distraught because it took her four hours to return to the hotel. She must have been distraught because the manager gave her a blank stare. Did the British Embassy make a terrible decision? Yes, they should have opened an investigation about this mystery. No, they may have tried everything to help the daughter. Yes, because she can’t prove that her Mom disappeared. Show answer key Answer Key: She must have caught the plague she was escaping. He may have wanted to commit a crime while her daughter was gone because her mother was too ill to live. She was distraught because she knew something suspicious happened to her Mom. She couldn’t have left the hospital because she was too ill. Yes, they should have opened an investigation about this mystery.

MFP (12-13 minutes) • To help students learn the meaning, form, and pronunciation of past modal deductions

MEANING Ask students if they recognize and know what the phrases mean. I may have She could have He might have You must have I should have I would have FORM Subject + could have + past meaning I could have gone to the police station first, but I went to the embassy. Did she have the option to go to the police station?Yes Correct, (could) shows the options. She could have went to the police station or the embassy Subject + would have + past meaning I wouldn’t have left the hotel if I knew this would happen. What is her tone of voice? (would have) can be used for hypothetical. She's imagining IF she would not have left this would not have happened. PRONUNCIATION (PRESENTATION SCREEN FOR ANNOTATIONS) She may not have realized the drive would take that long. (not,realized,take) You shouldn’t have stared at her. You could have helped her. (shouldn't,stared, could, helped) She could have found her Mom if they had done the investigation. (could, found,if, done) She must have suffered a lot of mental stress. (must,suffered,lot) Model phrase Identify stress Say as group X2 Nominate Student 1-2

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To reinforce the targeted language

Send student google doc 3 minutes to answer 3 minutes for peer check Model first question 1. You______(leave) your glasses at work, I saw them in the kitchen a few minutes ago. 2. You______(leave) your glasses at work, I saw them in the kitchen a few minutes ago. 3. I _______ (study) medicine, but I decided to go traveling instead. 4. I ________(study) medicine. My parents insisted on it. 5. Sarah and Jake _____(get) lost. They said they will be here by 3 pm. 6. Sarah and Jake _______ (get) lost. They've been here so many times. Show answer key, move on

Freer Practice (10-12 minutes) • To encourage students to have dialogue and use the vocabulary they’ve learned in today's class.

5 min for Ss talking 5 min for FB & DEC What would you have done differently if you were in Eleanor’s situation? If you would have done the same as Eleanor, why? The teacher will model the question. T: Personally, I wouldn't have left my Mom to get the medicine. I would have asked for an assistant that get the medicine because you never know what can happen. Response: I understand what you're saying. I couldn't imagine being in this situation. She must have been traumatized by this situation.

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