Yeho Yeho

Upper- Intermediate level


In this lesson , students will learn about the second conditional alternatives to if in the context of moral dilemmas. The lesson starts with 6 pictures and 2 questions. This is followed by a text of 3 scenarios where students read, answer and relate stories about moral dilemmas. Then they learn Language Clarification (MFP) regarding the TL (second conditional alternatives to if). Finally, there's some controlled practice by completing a task in Google Forms and a freer practice via role-play activity.


Abc ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: 1. There might be only 3 students to work in BORS 2. Material use. When sha

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Grammar and practice the second conditional: alternatives to if in the context of moral dilemmas.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will show Ss 6 pictures on a PP slide that will open their interest to the lesson. 2. I will show another PP slide with two questions: - Have you ever done anything illegal? - Are you obedient to the laws of society? 3. I will answer to the questions first, setting the model. 4. I will send Ss to BORs to discuss the 2 questions to gain confidence before they answer in the main room. 5. Conduct OCBF and nominate Ss.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. I will ask Ss to read a text that I will share on the screen, but will also make sure they have a JPEG file (a picture) of the text. So they can read for gist. 2. I will make sure the instructions are clear and give them 2 minutes to read.

Highlighting (5-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. I will ask Ss to share their answers to class based on the 3 short scenarios they read e.g. What would you do in the 1st scenario.../2nd/3rd? 2. I will elicit the meaning of the context by asking them CCQ'S --> what do we call it when we are in the middle of a situation and have multiple alternatives to choose from? -->Choosing between what's easy and whats right? Make a quick choice in a situation... ANSWER: Moral Dilemmas.

Clarification (8-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. I will show Ss the anwers in bold of the reading task and ask them what do the sentences have in common. Guide them - One short word, one syllable, two letters... They will know we are talking about /if/ and that's how I will introduce them to the Second Conditional alternatives to if. CCQ’s —> When we use the second conditional, are we talking about real or imaginary situations? ANSWER= Imaginary situations CCQ’s —> Are they about: the past, the present or the future? ANSWER: present of future ANSWER: present and future CCQ’S —> When do we use the second conditional ANSWER: We use the Second Conditional to talk about imaginary situations in the present or future and their potential results. 2. I will present the Second Conditional alternatives to if and cover MFP 1provided (providing) 2as long as 3assuming 4imagine 5suppose 3. I will teach Ss how to make positive sentences with the S.C. alternatives. (Formula) I will teach Ss how to make negative sentences with the S.C. alternatives. (Formula) I will teach Ss how to make questions using the S.C. alternatives. (Formula)

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. I will send Ss a Google Form link via chat so that they may complete a Controlled Practice task (e.g. gap-fill). 2. Make sure Ss are receive the link. 3. Give Ss instructions and answer the first one for them. They have 2 minutes to complete the task individually. 4. Send Ss to BORs to compare their answers with their peers and provide them the answer key. The will have 2 minutes to complete the task. 5. OCFB - Ask Ss what do you have in number 1...2...3..4...5....6? Finish the CP together.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. For the final Free Practice. I will send a JPEG file (picture) to students via chat with the instructions for the last activity. 2. I will tell students the will be working in groups again (BORS) to read the quesions and answers from the activity and choose the correct one. 3. I will provide clear instructions and help them answer the first one for them, setting hte example. e.g. A. SUPPOSE/Provided you found a lottery ticket and it had the winning number, would you collect the money? B: Yes, I would imaging/ASSUMING I couldn’t find the owner. - I will give them 3 minutes to complete this task in BORS. 4. When they return to the main room, we are going to have a role play (speaking conversation) in which one representative of a group will say a question with the correct S.C. and another from the same group will say the answer with the correct S.C and ask everybody if they did it correctly. There are only 4 questions and 4 answers. The end.

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