Katelyn Glaze Katelyn Glaze

TP4 Grammar
Upper Intermediate level


Students will learn of the different ways to add emphasis grammatically. The exercises include listening, reading, and speaking, and the texts take place in the context of 2-person conversations.


Abc New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Student Book

Main Aims

  • To review grammatical ways to give emphasis within the context of conversations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice listening, reading, and speaking.


Lead In (3 minutes) • For students to engage with the context topic of the class.

Teacher will welcome students and explain lead in activity: -- In groups I want you to discuss if you are prone to lose things. Do you lose things very easily? -- This will be a quick conversation, 2-3 minutes. -- ICQ: (student) is this an individual or group exercise? (student) what are you discussing? 2-3 minutes.

Gist Listening (5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation.

Teacher will share screen with two questions for students to answer while they list. -- You will listen to an audio clip answer these two questions as you listen -- This audio is a conversation between two people. -- Do not hit submit when you are done. ICQ: (student) is this a reading or a listening exercise? (student) do you hit submit when you are done with the questions? Teacher will send the link in the chatbox. Teacher will play the audio. Teacher will pair students to compare answers for 2 minutes.

Intensive Listening (6 minutes) • For students to focus more on the target language and become more familiar with marker sentences.

Teacher will share screen with exercise and explain that students will fill in the blanks as they listen. (This is a more in depth version of the exercise they just completed). -- You will listen to the same audio clip and fill in the blanks as you listen. -- Listen more carefully this time. -- Do not hit submit when you are done. ICQ: (student) are you doing this individually or as a group? (student) do you hit submit when you are done with the questions? Teacher will send the link in the chatbox. Teacher will play the audio. Teacher will pair students to compare answers for 3 minutes. Teacher will go over answers in OCFB after students discuss in small groups.

Clarification (MFP) (15 minutes) • To walk students through the meaning, form and pronunciation of TL

Meaning Matching - google form exercise or group exercise/teaching? Form grammar exercise in Google forms -- Share screen -- Instruct student to read each sentence, then select which grammar items are in each sentence -- Do your best, we'll review answers together -- DON'T submit answers yet ICQ: (student) is this a grammar exercise or vocabulary exercise? (student) are you submitting your answers? 2-3 minutes Send Link Have students review with each other (2-3 minutes) Have students submit their answers, and discuss in OCFB while answering and annotating on the screen Pronunciation: Slide with sentences typed. Use annotate to show word stresses and arc of tone. -- Read for students, have them identify word stresses -- Have students chorally repeat each sentence one after another.

Controlled Practice (8 minutes) • To concept check

Instead of focusing on matching, I want to provide the interactions and ask students to find ways to say them more emphatically. -- Teacher shares screen -- The Google Form will provide typed dialogue with bolded parts that can be better emphasized. Send link -- Students will do the exercise first, then compare answers in small groups. -- Students will listen to the recording to check their answers.

Freer Practice (8 minutes) • For students to use the target language fluently.

Students will have a conversation where they are trying to emphatically tell a story. -- role play a specific situation in pairs (assign characters on first name alphabetically) ---- one person went shopping and found everything they wanted to buy. Everything was on sale! You had a great day. ---- the other person went shopping and did not find anything that they needed. Everything had run out or was too expensive. You did not have a great day. -- Remember to try and use Intensifiers, auxiliary verbs, cleft sentences if you can, and emphatic questions. It's okay if you don't use all of them, I just want you to try your best and be thinking about it as you talk. This exercise will be about 3 minutes long. If you run out of things to way in your story, ask each other questions. ICQ: (student) what are you and your partner discussing? (shopping) (student) what grammar do I want you to think about? (emphasis) 3 minutes When we come back I will highlight some good sentences I heard. I will note any corrections if needed. I will end the class with encouragement for the students.

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