Richard Nash Richard Nash

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Pre-intemediate level


In this lesson, students will learn and practice comparative and superlative adjectives.


Abc • TP 8 Material (New Cutting Edge Pre-intermediate)
Abc TP 8 Google slide presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide practice and review of of comparative and superlative adjectives in the context of in the context of describing people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a using the structures in the context of describing people


Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To introduce Students to the target language

Ss will be shown a slide containing 4 pictures of the same woman. The slide will be interactive and Ss will be invited to place 6 descriptive words on the picture that they think is the best fit. T confirms choices. The next slide contains a box for Ss to place sticky notes containing words from the previous exercise, along with two new words (best and better) that will be required later. Ss will listen to an audio of a woman describing the pictures from the previous slide. Ss will work in breakout rooms if there are enough students. When the Ss recognize a word, they have to move the note into the box. OFCB provided afterwards

Exposure (10-14 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in upcoming tasks

T will present slides to cover MFP. Slide 1 provides Ss information about the comparative and superlative adjective forms, with examples. Slide 2 displays a chart displaying adjectives with comparative and superlative forms. To make the task more student-centric, some of the forms are covered and Ss will be invited to guess the correct form. Slide 3 contains comparative structures, with meaning and form. Slide 4 contains comparative structures, with meaning and form. Pronunciation will covered in each stage. CCQS: Do you compare things with comparative or superlative forms? Do we explain things of the highest quality with comparative or superlative forms?

Controlled practice (6-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss will be given a link to a Google form that contains a gap-fill quiz to complete with the missing adjective. Ss work individually and then will be put into breakout rooms to discuss their answers. T will monitor rooms for potential errors for DEC.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To encourage free use of the language learned in class

Ss will be given the task of practicing the forms with a partner in the context of describing themselves, along with their families and friends. Examples of the TL will be on the board to help elicit answers.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T will compile Ss' mistakes and make corrections by asking Ss to self-correct as a group. Initial statements will be written on the Jam board and corrections written in real-time.

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