Zariah Zariah



The students will learn how to use functional language to express different feelings. Their lesson includes listening to audio twice, once to identify questions being asked and the other to listen to specific details to fill in the missing parts of the transcript. Also, they will learn language clarification of the targeted language. Lastly, they can practice their communication skills by sharing their feelings with their partners.


Main Aims

  • This functional language lesson aims to provide clarification and practice of language used to describe different feelings
  • Personal Aims: To slow down delivery speed, have a more systematic approach to my lesson, decrease TTT

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will have the language to express their different feelings


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will answer her lead-in question to give a teacher model. What makes you happy? What frightens you? ◦ Have a student ask me first and demo the answer Then, allow 2-3 student to share their response.

Gist Task (5-7 minutes) • Helping students get familiarized with the general idea of the lesson

Ss will quickly look at a group of photos and elicit how the people feel and what could make them feel this way. Next, they will quickly read the questions that go to the gist assignment. Ss will listen to an audio and identify which speakers answer the question regarding their feelings. Explain that some speakers may answer more than one question. Do the first demo Listen to speaker #1. Explain to students that they must go column by column and check the box with the right question. Once the audio is finished, then display the Answer Key Do not review the answers. Does anyone have any questions? Move Anticipates problem #1: For this gist task, the book instructions are to have the students work in pairs to compare the answers. For the sake of time, I believe this will be time-consuming. Based on previous tutor feedback, gist activities are to be quick. Solution #1: I have excluded pair work from the section to focus on further material

Intensive Task (5-6 minutes) • To provide samples of targeted language

Ss will listen to the audio again and fill in the blanks from the conversation on the audio. Stop the audio after every sentence to give time to write. Send a Word document Elicit the function using examples from the audio (Demo the first sentence) Have students compare their answers in pairs Once they're finished, display the Answer Key Do not review the answers. Does anyone have any questions? Move

Language Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

Targeted Language: Another thing that really (frightens) me is when I (love) it when It really (annoys) me when I find meditation (very relaxing) Chocolate makes me (very happy) I (can’t cope) with ◦ Ask the student if they understand the meaning Anticipated Problem #2: Students may not know what cope means Solution #2: Cope means to deal with something effectively or overcome a problem ◦ Model the phrase ◦ Identify which words are stressed () ◦ Say as a group 2 times ◦ Nominate 2-3 students Make corrections if needed

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide a controlled practice of the language.

Ss will receive a Google form to complete a fill-in-the-blank assignment. Demo #1 Anticipated problem #3: The student may ask the difference between frightened and scared Solution #3: Explain that both adjectives mean about the same but frighten is a more sudden fear If time permits, students compare answers with their partners.(switch partners from intensive task) Show answer key. Does anyone have any questions?

Freer Practice (10-12 minutes) • To allow students the opportunity to communicate with each other.

Students will go into BOR (change partners from controlled practice if necessary) Give students a freer practice Word document that includes (useful language and questions) so they can reference it during conversation. While students are discussing, try to visit each room to note errors and feedback. Listen for targeted language and useful language Share with students some of your observations.

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