Yeho Yeho

Upper- Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about the Lexis through practicing vague language in the context of inheritances based on a reading text. The lesson starts with discusing about inheritances, followed by a reading text, where students read 3 paragraphs related to the main topic and complete a controlled practice. Finally, there's free practice.


Abc Face2Face SB & WB

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Lexis and practice vague language in the context of inheritances.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of inheritances.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

AIM: to set the context of the lesson. 1. I will show Ss a group of pictures on a slide that will allow them to grasp the context of the lesson. 2. On a 2nd slide I will display 2 questions: - Have you ever received a large inheritance? - What would you do if you have inherited a lot of money? 3. I will answer my questions first ... 4. I will have Ss answering the questions in groups (BORs) so they gain confidence once they return to the main room. I will give them 2 minutes. 5. Conduct open class feedback: Nominate Ss.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

AIM: Introduce and elicit the TP in the context of ihneritances through a text. 1. I will ask Ss to read a text that I will provide them (Google Docs) via chat, to help them develop abilities to skim for general information.. 2. I will make sure the instructions are clear and give them 2 minutes to read.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

AIM:To engage students in the context, as they are actively doing something rather than just listening to the teacher. To Introduce and elicit the TP in the context of ihneritances through a text and CCQ's. 1.I will ask Ss to tell me what did they learn about the 3 praragraphs regarding inheritances. 2. I will give them the first example to elicit participation: e.g. - Some people inherited a couple of thousand books when their grandparents died. —> CCQ’s Did they keep the books? Where they valuable? - a daughter who couldn’t drive inherited her father’s car when he died. —>CCQ’s Did she learn to drive? Because she failed the driving test and didn’t learn how to drive… Will she return back home from work at 6? She would if she knew how drive, right? - Someone was very lucky to have inherited everything when somebody’s aunt died. --> CCQ’s Does this paragraph specifies that the person who inherited everything was a he or a she? Not specified… What specific thing did the person in this 3rd paragraph inherited? A vase. Was it expensive?

Clarification (8-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

AIM: Cover Meaning, Form and Pronunciation of the TP. I will present Ss vague language expressions (words/phrases/suffix) on a slide as thorougly and fast as possible. ASAP too many words!!! I will ask Ss to identify meaning --> Show them an example of form --> Pronunciation (Say the word, choral drill, individual drill). 1.odd —> IPA /äd/ 2.ish —> IPA /ɪʃ/ 3.vast —> IPA /vɑːst/ 4.roughly —> IPA /ˈɹʌfli/ 5.tons of —> IPA /ˈtʌnz ɒv/ 6.somewhere in the region of 7.or so —> IPA /ɔɹ soʊ/ 8.tiny —> IPA /ˈtaɪ.ni/ 9.give or take —> IPA /ˌgɪv ˈɔr ˈteɪk/ excess —> IPA /ɪkˈses/

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

AIM: To test Ss to see how can they apply the vague language they learned in the previous stage. It will be hard for them to remember the 10 words/phrases/suffix. So I will make sure they have the meanings to help them remember and complete the task. 1. I will give Ss another link related to the text I provided earlier so they match the words/phrases/suffix they learned in the right gaps of the text. 2. I will provide clear instructions and fill the first gap for Ss. 3. Ss will do this activity individually in 3 minutes. 4. Then Ss will compare their answers in groups (BORs) At this point they have the Answer Key in the document I provided, so together they can complete this task in 2 minutes. 5. Finally, I will conduct OCFB - ask Ss to provide the answers or guide them to them ASAP. e.g. What do we have for gap number 1...2...3...6...7...10

Free Practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

AIM: Allow Ss to express themselves, and develop speaking fluency in real-time communication.  - I will ask Ss the following 3 questions 1. Have you ever received an inheritance? e.g. Yes/No I received... 2. Is this going to change your lifestyle? e.g. "When one inherits money, it's tempting to make quick, significant life changes. It could be a new car or a bigger house. It could even be retirement." 3. Will it make you happier? e.g. "While sudden wealth can certainly bring comfort and luxuries, it's important to understand that real happiness is seldom tied to material gains." - I will ask Ss to discuss these questions in BOR's. DEC. "Somebody said...." type it down on a slide what a students said. Is this correct?

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