wilmar wilmar

PB B1 UNIT 9 level


In this lesson students will be learning the difference between like, would like.,feel like what is it like . The lesson will begin with two model sentences: I like coke and I'd like a coke. This will lead to building context for the the practice and production stages.with the students. I will elicit both the meaning and the form from the students and will finish with some pronunciation drilling exercises. Now the students will practice the use of like


Abc book unit 9 A2
Abc book unit 9 B1+
Abc book unit 9 B1+

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of To provide clarification and practice of like and would like in the context of conversations about free time in the context of hobbies , food, freetime activities grammar book

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation using like and would like in the context of free time


Warmer/Lead-inLead in (7-10 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the lesson

The whiteboard will contain the two model sentences: I like coke and I'd like a coke. Students will be asked to identify the difference between the two. and the diferrent uses of like through out the lesson

Building context (8-10 minutes) • to narrow the context to a more specific area and continue to generate interest while establishing a clear and specific context

First students will be given two short conversations to read and will decide which is about what you like and what you don't like and uses of gerunds and infinitives. Ss will be provided with exercises from the book and have to tick which ones they tic as correct or wrong in the exercise.Ss complete the first two exercise quickly there will be a third exercise. However if Ss struggle a lot with Ex 1 and 2, I may keep the third exercise for after the presentation.

Presentation (7-10 minutes) • To clarify meaning, form and pronunciation so that learners understand it, construct it and know how to say it of both grammar sections given by the book

In this stage I will work through the meaning, form and pronunciation with the students. I will elicit the meaning and form from them before making note of them on the board, I will follow this with drilling for pronunciation and stress. I will ask students to help me construct another sentence. This clarification should provide them with the confidence and capability to complete the following controlled and freer practice and production of the target language

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students will get up and ask their fellow learners a series of like and would like questions, trying to find a different student for eachquestion or statement. This will appeal to the kinaesthetic learners who enjoy moving., and will provide a relevant controlled practice of the target language. While Ss complete the exercise I will monitor for any mistakes and correct them.

Feedback and Error Correction through writing (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will recieve a feedback on their production and written exercises

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