Igor Oblachko Igor Oblachko

Past Perfect Lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about the Present Perfect tense by means of a Guided Discovery Worksheet which is used in pairs. The lesson starts with an introduction of the Present Perfect concept by writing a sample sentence on the blackboard. Students should identify the tense of the verb and explain the meaning of this form and then provide their own sample sentences. Then students complete in pairs the Guided Discovery Worksheet with dialogues where infinitives should be replaced with past participles accordingly after which the answers are checked. The other tasks are completed by the whole group: questions are answered about the action in dialogue 1, then all the structures are built by the students (positive, negative, questions) filling in the empty fields for the auxiliary and the main verbs. After this the use of the adverbs yet, already and just is discussed. Then the guided practice takes place with students completing gap fill exercises from a worksheet. The lesson is completed by free practice: students are asked to make up their own dialogues based on the samples from the GD Worksheet.


Main Aims

  • Students will be able to identify and use the present perfect tense in all types of sentences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will understand how to properly use the adverbs already, just and yet in different types of sentences with Present Perfect.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introduce the concept of the present perfect tense by writing the following sentence on the board: “I have eaten breakfast this morning.” - Ask students to identify the tense of the verb “eaten” and explain the meaning of the present perfect tense (an action that started in the past and has a connection to the present). - Have students come up with other examples of sentences in the present perfect tense.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The first part of the Guided Discovery Worksheet (4 sample dialogues) is completed by the students in pairs. Then I ask students for their answers to make sure they did it correctly.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Students answer the questions from the worksheet about the 1st dialogue. The goal is to clarify the use of Present Perfect to denote an action taking place at some undefined point between the past and now.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The rest of the tasks in the Worksheet are completed to make sure they understand how to make statements, questions and negative questions in Present Perfect (they fill in the gaps in the 3d task for both the auxiliary verb (singular or plural) and the past participle). In the 4th and the 5th task students have to answer the questions clarifying in which types of sentences the typical Present Perfect markers (already, yet, just) are used and where they should be placed.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students complete the gap fill exercise from the Exercise Worksheet one by one under my supervision to make sure they know how to properly use Present Perfect in statements, negatives and questions. This is the transition step to the free practice when they will have to make their own short dialoges.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students make up their own dialogues based on the samples presented in the Guided Discovery Worksheet and present them to the class thereafter. Their classmates have to follow this production activity, find any mistakes and comment on them.

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