Brock Hendry Brock Hendry

TP 7: Grammar
Pre-intermediate level


Abc Student Book

Main Aims

  • To contrast simple present and present continuous.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To teach new lexical phrases and for students to practice their fluency in writing and speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks students via Google Slides, "The people in this photo work for a magazine called Vogue. How do you think they spend their day?" while showing them a picture of three employees at their place of employment. T asks students to answer questions such as "Who do you think does the photocopying" and "who do you think has the most interesting job?" Lead-in sets the context for the text, while also encouraging students to naturally use present simple and continuous. *Picture is taken from the Student Book*

Presentation through the text (5-7 minutes) • To introduce students to the text for later controlled practice

T tells students to underline the Carlita's activities in the paragraph, in Breakout Room groups. The paragraph is on Google Slides. Groups are each given their own designated slide in the Google Slides. Students have 3 minutes to read & underline, followed by 2 minutes of OCFB T demos for students ICQ: - What are you doing? (underlining her activities) - Where are you doing it? (Google Slides link) - How much time do you have? (3m)

MFP (Meaning) (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the target language

T shows students slide on Google Slides with pictures and the TL, which are annotated with letters and numbers (x = 1, y = a). Example: picture of women sitting at desk smiling = "Carlita likes her job." Students engage in the guided discovery task via Google Slides, in their Breakout Room groups for three minutes. T demos for students Afterwards, students are brought back into class for OCFB ICQ: - What are you doing? (Matching definitions to pictures) - Where are you doing it? (Google Slides link) - How much time do you have? (3m)

MFP (Form & Pronunciation) (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the target language

T explains and shows the students the parts of speech for each TL. - Example: They meet friends = pronoun + verb + noun Students do choral reading, lead by teacher, at a fluent pace. T shows students slide explaining how to differentiate between present simple and present continuous with examples and parts of speech breakdown. - Form example: present simple = subject + verb (s/es) + object. - Sentence example: I like speaking. CCQ - Choral reading repetition - What is an example of present simple? Message it to only me. (I like reading) - What is an example of present continuous? Message it to only me. (I am reading)

Controlled Practice 1 (5-7 minutes) • To have students practice the form of the TL

T shows students a breakdown of the studied text, each present simple or continuous clause/sentence with an equal sign next to it. In Breakout Room groups, students write "P.C." or "P.S." next to it. - Example: Carlita is spending her day off with her husband, Ricardo. = P.C. T demos for students Afterwards, students return for OCFB ICQ: - What are you doing? (Identifying the sentence as P.C. or P.S.) - Where are you doing it? (Google Slides link) - How many minutes do you have? (5m)

Controlled Practice 2 (5-7 minutes) • To have students practice the form of the TL

*CP#2 may be omitted if time demands it* T shows students new paragraph with missing words. Beside each sentence is the verb, in which students need to conjugate to make it present simple or present continuous. Students use the fill-in-the-blanks activity in their Breakout Room groups via the Google Slides. T demos for students Afterwards, students return for OCFB ICQ: - What are you doing? (conjugating the verbs in the fill-in-the-blanks) - Where are you doing it? (Google Slides link) - How many minutes do you have? (5m)

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • For students to practice their understanding and fluency of the language (meaning and pronunciation, mainly)

Students write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) about what they do in a day, and share it with their Breakout Room group by speaking it, or sending it in the chat. Students must use the present simple and the present continuous. Students are given a reminder about how P.S. and P.C. work with a grated definition, example, and breakdown of parts of speech Students have 8-10m ICQ: - What are you doing? (Writing what we do in a day using the P.S. and P.C.) - After you write it, how are you sharing it with your group? (Speaking it or messaging it) - How many sentences should it be? (3-5)

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Incorrect uses of P.C. and P.S. will be noted from teacher vacillating between Breakout Rooms during the freer practice. During OCFB, students will see the incorrect uses in a table, and will be asked how to correct them.

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