Jacqueline Garlitos Jacqueline Garlitos

Speaking Lesson TP5
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice speaking for fluency on the topic of amazing achievements. Students will listen to an audio recording.


Abc Amazing Achievements

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of an audio recording listing several amazing achievements

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification in the context of an audio recording listing several amazing achievements
  • To practice pronunciation of words along with intonation within the sentence. A small amount of grammar to clarify past, present and future within the context of the audio.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(SHARE SCREEN WITH POWER POINT; BEGIN WITH QUOTES. GIVE SS A FEW SECONDS TO READ THEM) (ADVANCE TO THE MAIN IDEA. READ ALOUD) (ADVANCE TO LIST; HAVE SS TAKE SCREENSHOT) T: I 'm sending you to breakout rooms for 2 minutes. Using the list, I want you to brainstorm together to come up with some ideas for the different categories.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T: We will listen to several people state what they think is an amazing achievement. (SHARES PREVIOUS SCREEN; ADVANCES TO SHOW Qs TO CONSIDER) T: Please take a screen shot of the questions. I want you to consider these questions while listening to the audio. Please jot down a few brief notes while listening. (T READS QUESTIONS, checking QUICKLY that students understand lexis (ie, amazing, achievement, category, fall into, admire).) T: I will play the audio one time, so listen carefully. Remember to jot down a few notes. (T PLAYS AUDIO)

Useful Language (MFAP) (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T: Today we are going to learn some useful language to help us speak about amazing achievements. (SHARE SCREEN WITH POWER POINT OF 'USEFUL LANGUAGE'.) Talking about a GENERAL achievement Just imagine life if …. If we didn't have …. our lives would be …. Talking about the achievements of a PARTICULAR PERSON I really admire the way he/she…. What I find particularly impressive/amazing is…. He/she (has) achieved so much. MEANING T: Notes the two categories, general and personal. When we discuss achievements, there are some that individuals have accomplished but there are also achievements where many people were involved, possibly over a long period of time. What kind of achievement the Internet? (Collective/General) What kind of achievement is being the fastest man at the Olympics? (Personal [One man achieved the best time]) FORM When we talk about GENERAL, we speak about how it affects our lives. (refer above) Both of these statements deal with hypothetical situations, asking whoever the speaker is talking to to imagine life without (_____). Both ask to think NOW and imagine/look into a FUTURE state w/o something. We are using CLAUSES. We could say these are "If...then.." statements. Can we invert the clauses here without changing the meaning of the sentences? (Yes) When we talk about a PARTICULAR PERSON, we are thinking about what period of time? (Past) We refer to what kinds of things? (Things they have achieved, awards they have won, or milestones.) What kinds of areas could we be talking about ? (ie, science breakthroughs, personal achievements, creative work, or societal movements, etc) We are talking about the PAST (could use past simple--he invented). BUT often we are also talking and why it is relevant....? (NOW.[could use present perfect]) PRONUNCIATION Just imagine life if... Problem: Ss may have difficulty pronouncing the j sound Solution: Model, drill, use phonemic chart if necessary. Problem: Ss may have difficulty eliding "just, imagine", and "life, if". Solution: Model, drill If we didn't have... our lives would be... Problem: Ss may say /f/ instead of /v/. Solution: Model, drill, use phonemic symbols I really admire the way he/she... Problem: Ss may have difficulty with the /r/ sounds. Solution: Model, drill, use phonemic symbols. What I find particularly impressive/amazing is... Problem: Ss may have trouble with /r/ sounds, /Impr/ grouping. Solution: Model, drill Problem: Ss may say /b/ instead of /p/. Solution: Model, drill, use phonemic chart He/she (has) achieved so much. Problem: Ss may have difficulty with when to use past simple vs. present perfect. Solution: Did the action happen previously? (yes) Is it finished? (yes) Is it still relevant today? (Yes/no)

Productive Task(s) (15-16 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T: Now you are going to talk about something you find amazing. You can use anything from the brainstorming we did earlier OR you can think of something new. If you'd like, you can use someone you know personally. You don't have to use someone famous. But you DO HAVE TO USE some of the phrases that we just discussed. I'm going to cut and paste them into the chat for you. (PASTE INTO CHAT) Can everyone see that? Good. T: Now I'm going to send you to breakout rooms and I want you to take turns talking about amazing achievements using the phrases in your chat box. You'll have about 7minutes before you switch rooms. (T LISTENS IN ON CONVERSATIONS, TAKING NOTES.) (AFTER 7 MINUTES, SWITCH) (AFTER 7 MINUTES, BRING ALL BACK TO MAIN ROOM)

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T: Well, I overheard some interesting things. (or some such transitional talk) T puts 4-5 sentences on board that were overheard, some good and some needing a little work. Going down the list, ask Ss what they think. Good? Bad? What do you think needs fixing? Why?

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