Melek Genç Melek Genç

Family and Friends - Life with Teenagers Lesson
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will get to practice their speaking skills in the context of family and friends. More specifically, they will get to practice and develop their speaking skills and lexis about 'life with teenagers.' First, I will use myself as a model, at the beginning of the class, to talk about my own teenage times and let the students ask me questions about it. I will show a photo of mine, to visualize how I looked like before then, as well, in order to get the attention of the students. Then, I will want students to think about their own personality by now and how it was earlier as well; and compare the differences, and make sentences about themselves individually. A time line I will draw on the white board will be helpful during the comparison, where the students can focus on the time such as, '..than I was then... - when I was a teenager... - or, five years ago...' Then, through the group work, students will take turns and tell their differences to each other between now and then. I will also ask questions and encourage them to give reasons for the changes with the follow up questions. Finally, I will ask the students to share interesting answers with the class.


Abc Computer and Speakers
Abc Handouts
Abc Projector
Abc Student's Book
Abc Teacher's Book of face2face
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To have students practice their speaking skills, integrated with lexis, in the context of 'living with a teenager'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students practice using functional language skills.
  • To have students make comparisons and practice it through making sentences.
  • To have students practice their lexis and vocabulary in the context.


Warm up (2-4 minutes) • Introducing the main aim of the class

Explaining the students the aim of the class that is mainly on speaking in the context of family and being a teenager, and what we will be focusing on during the class.

Lead in (8-9 minutes) • Setting the context of the lesson and engaging the students

Since the subject is about family and being a teenager, I will use myself as a model and show a teenage photo of mine, by using the projector, to demonstrate how I looked like by then. I will make sure that I use the lexis and vocabulary they learned in the class earlier. After I show the picture, I make sure that the students get in the groups, ask me questions about me and as me being a teenager.

Introduction to Vocabulary (5-8 minutes) • Getting the students use the adjectives and clarifying vocabulary

After the students ask me the questions about me being a teenager, I will draw a table on the white board and I will the students to copy it into their notebooks. I will tell the students to think about their lives when they were a teenager. I will make sure that they know what teenager means, also. Then, I will ask the students to write two adjectives in each box.

Focus on Vocabulary and Structure (6-8 minutes) • Focusing on the usage of the lexis, form and structure

On the next stage, I will focus on the students on the examples and highlight how the students should finish their sentences. Students will work on their own and plan their own sentences, by using the adjectives in their table.

Speaking Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide more specific understanding of the lexis as well as the form while doing speaking practice.

Then, I will put the students in groups. Students will take turns to tell each other about the differences between now and then using the sentences they planned in.

Speaking (9-10 minutes) • Freer practice using the functional language

I will encourage the students to give reasons for the changes and ask them follow - up questions. While they are working, I will monitor and correct them. Towards the end of the activity, I will ask if anyone wants to share interesting answers with the class.

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