Yeho Yeho

Upper- Intermediate level


This is a reading lesson designed to provide Ss reading practice for gist and detail in the context of fish as pets.


Abc face2face

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist and detail in the context of fish as pets.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification in the context of fish as pets.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will display a picture of a group of domestic animals and will ask Ss the following 2 questions that students will discuss: 1. Do you have a pet? 2. What kind of pet do you have and what makes it special to you? Anticipated problems: *Ss may not have a pet nor have had a pet in their lives. Solution: 3. In case you don't have a pet now, can you think of a pet you had in the past and tell the class what made it special to you? or 4. Can you think of a relative or a neighbour's pet and tell the class what kind of animal it was? More anticipating problems: *In case there are a few Ss, they will all answer the questions in an Open Class. * In case there are enough Ss to create BOR's I will send them to the rooms.

Pre-Reading/Listening (6-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I will provide Ss 4 challenging words and to ellicit the meaning I will ask Ss to read the following sentences to guide them to the meaning of the words. Vocabulary: 1. eager 2. breeding 3. nowhere near 4. outrageous MEANING 1. They are eager for peace. -->>CCQ's: Do they have peace now? What are they hoping for? 2. The family's business was horse-breeding. -->> CCQ's: What happens when a horse and a mare get together? Do they produce a foal? 3. My house is nowhere near the sea. -->> CCQ's: Do I live far away from the sea? Is your house near the sea? 4. If you don't find that situation outrageous, you are part of the problem. -->> CCQ's Do you get angry when you see a person bullying another. When you are about to pay for a product or a service, would you get angry if they charge you more than the original price? Rip-off/Cheat. FORM: I will ellicit the form from Ss. PRONUNCIATION: 1. I will model words. I will say the words aloud. 2. I will ask Ss to identify the number of syllables and stress. 3. I will ask Ss to drill. Repeat after me.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I will ask Ss to read a text I will provide by either sharing it on the screen and ask them to take a screenshot or by sending them a picture of the text though the chat. (individual task) 3 minutes. I will ask Ss 2 questions regarding the text they read and allow them to answer in an Open Class individually and ask them to compare their answers. On Jamboard - koi fish picture 1. Why are koi such special pets? 2. Did the writer buy any koi? Why/Why not? Conduct OPCB. Anticipated problem: Students may not know how to take a screenshot from the text. Solutions: Send them a JPEG file via Chat or Share screen with the text.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

I will give Ss instructions for a challenging quiz before they complete it and submit it I will provide a Google Forms Quiz related to the text they read where Ss wil have to fill in gaps A-E the numbers 1-6 that best complete the sentences/phrases. There is one sentence/phrase you don’t need. ANSWER KEY and text will be provided to complete the Quiz . 1. Serious collectors can pay up to £18,000 for a fully grown koi. 2. One recently sold for £250,000. 3. Although some are more reasonably priced, 4. However, I did consider buying one, 5. Jean wasn’t impressed by some of the koi on sale either. 6. They’re just so amazing to look at. CORRECT ANSWERS: “Breeding koi is getting more and more lucrative,” she told me. a”_____2_____. But that was a record,” admitted Jean. that’s almost as much as I paid for my house. b”_____1______, which is nearly as expensive as a luxury car… c”_____5______. “Actually, these koi aren’t any nicer than mine…” When I asked her why she liked koi so much, she replied, d”_____6______. I think of them as living jewels.” I certainly wasn’t quite as enthusiastic as Jean. e”_____4_______, but then I remember that all but five of Freddie Mercury’s koi… - Once Ss finish the Quiz and submit their answers to conduct an Open-Class Feedback (OCFB) to see their answers —>> Show them the screen with the charts. - Then I will have Ss to compare their answers via BORs. - Finally we will discuss in an Open Class the answers.

Post-Reading/Listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Have Ss have a speaking activity by asking them a question or two regarding the content of the text… 1. Would you invest your money in koi fish? 2. Do you think is it worth it? For the last task i'm going to show them 3 questions that Ss will have to discuss in BORs. The questions are the following: 1. Would you like to have an exotic pet? Yes/No. 2.Which exotic pet would you like to have? Why? 3. Would you breed animals to make money?Why/why not? - Conduct feedback on the task. - Delayed Error Correction.

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