Angelo Bengochea Angelo Bengochea

Phrases for Shopkeeping
Pre-A1 Adult level


In this lesson, students will learn useful phrases that can be used for shopkeeping. The lesson provides opportunities for accurate TL use and speaking practice through dialogues.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of shopkeeping and customer service

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about buying fast food


Intro • Review greetings

T will show students different greetings used in Trinidad and read aloud. T will ask students to repeat the greetings. Teacher will conduct a dialogue practice using different greetings. "Good morning" "Morning" "Good day" "Good Afternoon" "Afternoon" "Good evening" "Evening" "Good night"

Asking for Things • Provide students with phrases that clients may use to ask for things

"Allyuh have...?" "You have...?" "Allyuh does sell...?" "Lemme get a..." "I could get a..."

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