Polina Spirina Polina Spirina

Present Simple and Present Continuous for future
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson the student learns about the usage of Present Simple and Present Continuous for taking about future through guided discovery based on a listening task about time management that the student has worked on during our previous lesson.


Abc Miro board
Abc Outcomes coursebook
Abc PS vs. PC for future Worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the Present Simple tense and the Present Continuous tense in the context of plans for future

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about work-life balance and time management skills in the context of everyday conversations


Warm-up (8-10 minutes) • To set the context and generate interest

Ask the S to answer the questions about their time management skills. Q1: Do you usually organize your day to manage your time effectively? Q2: How do you usually plan your week? Q3: Do you think you have a good balance between work and relaxation? Why? / Why not?

Pre-Listening (3-3 minutes) • To ensure the S recalls the situations given in the listening task

Ask the S to recall the audio we have listened to the previous lesson. Q1: Who are the people talking? Q2: What are they talking about?

Listening for details (authentic exposure) (3 minutes) • To promote listening skill, to set the context for target grammar

Ask the S to listen to the same audio and write down phrases the speakers use to talk about their plans.

Feedback (4-5 minutes) • To provide the S with opportunity to discover the grammar rule themselves

Check the S’s notes and ask them to name grammar tenses the speakers use. Show a script of the audio if necessary. CCQs: What did the speakers say about their plans? What verb forms did they use? What grammatical tenses do these verb forms belong to? The S finds out that we can use PS and PC for the future.

Clarification (restricted exposure) (6-8 minutes) • To check the S's comprehension of new grammar rule

Provide the S with a list of affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences in Present Simple and Present Continuous. Ask them to decide if these sentences refer to the future or not. CCQs: When do you think we use the present continuous to talk about the future? When do we use the present simple? What verbs do we use in each tense? After answering questions the S can look at the grammar box to the grammar box in the coursebook in order to check their ideas. Explain meaning of some verbs if necessary.

Controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • To ensure the S understands the rules and give them an opportunity to practise

Ask the S to read sentences about future and choose the correct tense for each one.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To ensure the S has correct answers

Check the S’s answers and ask them to explain their choice, draw the S’s attention to the sentences where we can use both PS and PC.

Semi-controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • To practise target grammar

Ask the S to do ex 10 in the coursebook. There are 4 dialogues about future plans. The S has to complete each dialogue with three different endings using their own ideas in written form. ICQs: What do you have to do? How much time do you have? What tenses do you use in your answers?

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To ensure the S has correct answers

Check the S's answers. Suggest better collocations to sound more naturally in English if necessary.

Production (5-6 minutes) • To personalize the S's learning experience and practise new grammar in a real-life situation

Ask the S to use an interactive board with an weekly planner template and make a list of things to do each day next week covering following points: 1) any appointments and arrangements you have; 2) things you need to do at work or college; 3) housework or other things you need to do; 4) plans you have to go anywhere. ICQs: What are you going to do? How much time do you have? Where do you do this taks?

Speaking production (4-6 minutes) • To practise using target grammar in speaking

Ask the S to present their next week schedule using PS and PC and answer the questions about their week. Q1: Do you have a very busy or very quiet week? Q2: Do you have a lot of social events this week? Q3: What is your main priority this week? Q4: Would you like to learn to manage your time and be more efficient?

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