Amir Amir

Present perfect and past simple contrast
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about the difference between present perfect and past simple based on a reading text about a man who collects McDonald's memorabilia. The class begins with a discussion about unusual hobbies of students. This is followed by reading the text and finding present perfect and past simple examples and differences. After that, students do some controlled practices as pairs and at last, there is a free speaking practice and a board game to check the class comprehension.


Abc Hand out
Abc Course book
Abc Board game
Abc Image

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of present perfect and past simple and their differences by reading a text about a man with an unusual hobby

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy using present perfect and past simple via reading an article and following speaking tasks.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Tell your students one of your unusual hobbies. Ask them if they know anybody with a strange hobby or if they have one. Students answer the question as whole class activity

Exposure to context (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a reading.

Ask students if they have ever collected anything or not? What was that? Focus attention on the picture and ask students to guess the man's hobby. Elicit some answers and do not correct them at this stage. Display the image and explain the meaning of slogan. Ask students to read the topic and recognize McDonald's slogan(I'm Lovin It). Pre- teach memorabilia. At the end, students read the text and check their answers.

Clarification of present perfect and past simple differences. (15-20 minutes) • To review present perfect and past simple structures and clarify their differences.

Ask students to complete the box in exercise 3 in pairs and find an example for each of the rules. After filling the box, draw timelines for each of the rules and ask students to match them with each usage. Display the image and ask students to spot the difference between been and gone. Ask students to answer exercise 5 to check their comprehension.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Display the been/gone picture. Give students some time to complete the task in pairs and check their answers as whole class. Students complete exercise 6 and check their answers in pairs and then as the whole class. Then, the handouts will be given to complete exercise 1 with their partner and after that, go through the answers as a class.

Free Practice (20-25 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language via speaking tasks.

Focus attention on the handout. Ask students to do exercise 3 in pairs and spot the lie. They can ask detailed question if its necessary. Do the first round with one of your students to show how it is done. After finishing in pairs, ask students from different groups to share their sentences with each other and spot the lie. Afterwards, hand out the board games. Ask one students to give a number to 23 and choose another student to answer the selected number.

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