Angelo Bengochea Angelo Bengochea

Food from Trinidad and Tobago
Elementary level


This lesson plan aims to engage students with the rich culinary heritage of Trinidad and Tobago, providing a flavorful context for learning English while fostering cultural understanding. The activities are designed to be interactive and informative, encouraging students to explore and appreciate the diversity of global cuisines.


Abc Pictures of food from Trinidad and Tobago
Abc Thumbs-Up and Thumbs-Down Cutouts
Abc Coloring Pages
Abc Rice clay
Abc Crayons
Abc I like and I don't like writing practice sheets
Abc Map
Abc Glue Stick
Abc Bristol board

Main Aims

  • To review and practice of food items in the context of food from Trinidad and Tobago

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide writing practice of words for selected food items (10-15).


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will show students different foods from previous lesson (foods they are familiar with including foods not typically liked by kids for more diverse interaction) and elicit their names by asking what is this? T will ask Do you Like? Do you dislike? (This can be said in Japanese as students nay not know the words in English) Using the cutouts T will demo I like and I don't like with different foods then ask 2-3 students to do the same.

Vocabulary Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To introduce students to food from Trinidad and Tobago

On a map, T will show students where Trinidad is and highlight the distance between Trinidad and Japan. T will will introduce foods from Trinidad with pictures T will get students to match Trinidadian food to possibly similar Japanese food. T will pronounce each word and get students to repeat.

Review of Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and review useful language for coming productive tasks

T will use cutouts and elicit "I like" and "I don't like" from the students. T will allow students to be expressive with their gestures for "I like" and "I don't like" Teacher will show students pictures food from Trinidad and cover pronunciation.

Consolidation through Craft (24-30 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Student will be divided into 3 group. They will spend 8-19 minutes at each activity station before rotating. Activity Station 1 - T will provide students with a coloring page of their choice and give them some time to color them. When they are done, they can stick their pages on a large piece of bristol board. Activity Station 2 - T will ask students to draw the food they like the most from Trinidad and stick on another piece of bristol board to make a collage. Activity Station 3 - T will provide students with play dough and ask them to create the food that they like the most most from Trinidad and one that they don't like. Student will present their creations with simple sentence using "I like..." or "I don't like..." Teacher and JTE will monitor, support and praise.

Feedback (8-10 minutes) • To provide positive feedback on students' production and use of language to promote a positive learning environment

Give specific praise to students and their work to build rapport.

Web site designed by: Nikue