Brock Hendry Brock Hendry


Abc Student Book

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for asking for and giving directions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To learn new lexical terms


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks students via Google Slides: "Do you know your way around your city or town?"

Gist Task (6-8 minutes) • To have students identify the TL

T shows students a Google Slide in which they organize the phrases under "Giving Directions" or "Asking for Directions." The TL is: - It’s by the school (can be replaced with other noun-locations, such as hospital or bakery) - How do I get there? - Take the second left/right - Where is the market? - It will be on your left/right - Go down this street for two blocks Each direction-giving TL corresponds to a direction-requesting TL Ss will organize the table as a class, unless there are 6< students, in which they will be in Breakout Room pairs. In this case, the students will organize it using a number system (TL 1 goes into table row 2, etc.) ICQs - What goes under this table? (Asking for Directions) - What goes under this table? (Giving Directions?) - Are you organizing this with a partner, or by yourself? (Partner) T demos first

MFP (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the target language

TL: It’s by the school How do I get there? Take the second left/right Where is the market? It will be on your left/right Go down this street for two blocks On Google Slides... Meaning: students match the TL to the image as guided discovery (e.g., "where is the mall?" = a person looking at a map while talking to someone with a question mark above their head; "it's on the corner" = a map piece with an arrow pointing to a location on the corner) Form: breaking up the parts of speech (e.g. Go down this street for two blocks = v. + adv. + det. + n. + prep. + adj [number] + n. Pronunciation: choral reading at a fluent pace If class has 6< students, then they will be grouped into Breakout Room pairs for the meaning aspect of the MFP for 7m total, then reconvened in the whole-class meeting to take up answers and go over form and pronunciation. Numbers and letters will be used for matching the image to the TL ICQs: - What are you matching in this the activity? (Phrases to the images) - Are you writing down the answers on paper or on the computer? (On paper) - How many minutes do you have? (6) CCQs: - Meaning activity of matching images to TL, followed by OCFB T demos first

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To have students practice the form of the TL

T will present students a Google Slide of a conversation in which they must fill in the blanks using the TL. If there are 6< students, they will be put in Breakout Room pairs to solve the conversation fill-in-the-blanks. Richard: Hi there, I’m sorry to bother you, but __________. Tiffany: Oh, no problem. It’s __________. Richard: Thank you so much. __________ I’m new to Guadalajara, so I don’t know my way around. Tiffany: That’s okay. You’ll just need to __________ then __________ and __________. Richard: Thank you for your help! Phrase Bank By the Taco Restaurant How do I get there? Where is the gas station? Take the third right Go down this street for four blocks It will be on your left Corrections will be made throughout the process while vacillating between Breakout Rooms, while other corrections will be mentioned during the DEC. T demos first ICQs - What are you doing for this activity? (Filling in the blanks) - Are you doing it on your own or with a partner? (With a partner) - How many minutes do you have? (6)

Freer Practice (5-8 minutes) • For students to practice their understanding and fluency of the language (meaning and pronunciation, mainly)

Ss will write down how to get to a destination near their house, and then role play as two people: one giving and the other asking for directions. S1 will begin by choosing a destination near their house, then write down how to get there using all of the giving-direction TL. S2 will be aware of the destination S1 has chosen, and will use the asking-directions TL to find out how to get there. Ss switch roles once finished, then select a new destination near their house. T demos first

DEC (3-5 minutes) • Correcting mistakes made throughout class

Make corrections from freer practice and controlled practice.

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