Nina Nina

Writing lesson
A2 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide students with the practice of writing a film review

Subsidiary Aims

  • • to enable students to develop their reading skills for gist in the context of a film review


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(slide 2) Show students the slide and ask them when was the last time they watched a film and what it was about. Ask them if they read film reviews before watching a film. Show them 3 options and ask them to choose one that best describes the purpose of a film review. - "Guys, When did you last watch a film? What was it? Do you usually read film reviews (on the Internet) before watching? What do you think is a purpose of a film review? a) to make people want to see the film b) to help people decide if they want to see the film c) to give factual information about the film"

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

(slide 3) Show students the box with the topics and ask them which of the following topics they can normally find in a film review. Give them a minute and ask to do it individually. - "Look at the topics in the box. Which of the topics in the box do you usually find in a film review? Work individually and choose the topics that you can find in a film review. You have 1 minute." Show ss the answers. (slide4) (slide 5) Tell ss you are going to give them an example of a film review and they will need to answer two questions on the slide. - "I'm gonna show you a film review. The film is very famous, I am sure that you know it. So, read the review and then you will need to answer 2 questions. You work individually and have 3-4 minutes." Check the answers on the questions together with the class. Tell students to look at the review and notice that it has 5 paragraphs. Explain that each paragraph has its own function. (slide 7) Give them the number of paragraphs and ask them to match them with their function. Ask them to do this task individually, give them max 2 minutes. - "Look at the review. It has a special structure. You see it has 5 paragraphs and of course each paragraph has a special function. So, guys, look at slide 7 and try to match the paragraphs with their function. You do it individually. You have 2 minutes." Show ss slide 8 with the answers.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

slide 9. Ask ss to read the text again and try to notice underline some good phrases that they can use for writing a film review for any film. Ask them to work individually, give them 2-3 minutes. - "Now, read the review one more time and try to find the phrases that you can use for writing a film review for any film. Work individually, you have 2-3 minutes." slide 10. Show ss the text with the underlined phrases. Work with the phrases, clarify MFA.

Productive Task(s) (11-13 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

(slide 12) Ask your students to remember the last film that they watched and write a review. Tell them to work individually. Tell them they will have 12 minutes. Ask them to use Home alone as an example. Remind them to use the structure and the phrases. Give them the link to the google slides. "Guys, now you're going to write your own review. Remember the last film that you watched and write a review on this film. Work individually, don't forget to use the structure of paragraphs and the phrases, you have 12 minutes."

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Tell students that now they need to read their partner's reviews and think if they would like to watch this film. Also, ask them to use the checklist and check if their partners included all the necessary information. Then put them in breakout rooms and ask to give this feedback on their partner's reviews. - "Guys, now you are going to give feedback on your partner's reviews. First of all read it, use the checklist for checking and think if you'd like to watch the film. Now you have 3 minutes. You work together in breakout rooms. Give your partner your feedback." Return to the main room and give feedback on students' reviews. Show the examples of good language, correct some of the things, show students how to reformulate some of the things.

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