Nadia Nadia

TP7 Writing Nadia Kamali
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn how to write an informal postcard through samples based on a teacher’s postcard which she provides. The lesson starts with a short discussion about sending postcards. Students talk about the best holiday they have ever had and who they have sent postcards so far. Then the teacher teaches the rules of postcards writing via different tools. Then the teacher asks students to write a first draft and peers check drafts then with whole class and then teachers gives whole class feedback and DEC.////In this lesson ,students will learn and practice of writing a postcard. Students will start discussing if they like to write postcard when they travel as lead in. Then they will be given a sample postcard to analyze. The layout and language of the sample will be analyzed to give students some ideas of how to write a postcard. at last, students will write their own postcard and check their work among themselves with a checklist.///In this lesson students are going to learn about how to write a postcard which is about their vacation. They will learn to write about good and bad things about their vacation as a postcard.


Abc Breakout rooms
Abc Google docs
Abc Google forms
Abc Jamboard
Abc Listening Development
Abc PDF or Image
Abc PowerPoint
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a (short) postcard to a friend

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of postcards writing in the context of holidays, trips, and related words
  • to provide controlled practice for writing postcards
  • To provide gist reading of the sample postcard message of their classmates for peer checking with a checklist.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Discuss the typical contexts in which people send postcards, such as vacations or holidays. A postcard will be shown to students and they will be asked to discuss whether they will write postcard when they travel or what other things they prefer to do when they travel. The teacher will display some pictures to students and ask them to predict the topic of the lesson. T screen shares GJamboard and elicits answers from Ss as an initial task: Ask Ss: What do you see in the picture? (Postcards) Ask Ss: Have you ever received a postcard? (Yes/no) Ask Ss: On what situation is a postcard sent? (To share a place during a trip, to send congratulations, to share, as marketing invitations) Ask Ss: Who will you send a postcard to? (Family, friends, marketing)

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

In this stage teacher share a photo of lots of postcards and asks students guess what the lesson about? and then share a sample and teached them how to write a postcard letter( the body the address bar, signature and ...) 2. Text analysis – Show Ss your own example of the postcard, then: Students will be provided with a sample postcard and they will be asked to read and answer 2 or 3 questions about the postcard. Then they will be asked to identify the layout of the postcard via an exercise. a whole class feedback then is conducted. The students are going read the model text of postcard that the teacher has given them, They are going to answer the gist question which is" What does the postcard is talk about?". The students are going to answer the gist question to whole class and check with teacher. T screen shares a Gform link in the chatbox. T gives 3min for this pair-work activity. Ss read the postcard written by the T. Ss will need to answer the 2 questions in the Gform activity. Use ICQs and call on Ss by name: •What is the activity about? (Read and answer the questions) •How many minutes do you have for this activity? (3 min) •Will you work individually or in groups? (groups) T split Ss into BORs. T monitor conversations in BORs. T elicit answers from 2 Ss. 1. The sentence "I'm having so much fun on this trip to France" refers to: a positive experience. 2. The sentence "Last weekend I went to visit the Eiffel Tower" talks about: the past.

Useful Language (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

a)help Ss identify the different sections (parts) of the postcard and b)the language that is part of it (ask them to identify if language is formal or informal) students will be asked to analyze the languages for writing a postcard. questions like "do we use formal or informal language to write a postcard to friends?" etc. will be asked. a whole class feedback is conducted after the analyzation. The students are going to learn the layout of postcard and notice every detail about writing the postcard such as; the place of date, address etc. The teacher is going to teach the stage of writing postcard such as; Think about your vacation, write about your problem in vacation etc which is necessary for students to learn before writing postcard T share a Gform link in the chatbox and give 4min to answer in pairs the questions. Ss read again the postcard written by T. Ss should match the numbers with the name of each section of the postcard. As an example, T match number 1 with the name section Date. Use ICQs and call on Ss by name: •What is the activity about? (Read and answer the questions) •How many minutes do you have for this activity? (4 min) •Will you work individually or in groups? (groups) T split Ss into BORs. T monitor answers in BORs. T elicits answers from Ss. T gives OCFB and check answers using CCQ. 1. Date 2. Greeting Ask Ss: is the greeting at the end or the beginning? (beginning) 3. Body. Present continuous. Ask Ss: Is it a formal or informal writing? (Informal) 4. Body. Simple past Ask Ss: Is this referring to the future or the past? (The past) 5. Closing and signature. Ask Ss: is the closing at the beginning or at the end? (end) 6. Stamp. 7. Address. T share a Gform link in the chatbox and give 3min to answer in groups the task. Ss read the postcard and answer the 4 questions. Use ICQs and call on Ss by name: •What is the activity about? (Read and answer the questions) •How many minutes do you have for this activity? (3 min) •Will you work individually or in groups? (groups) T split Ss into BORs. T monitor answers in BORs. T elicits answers from Ss. T gives OCFB and check answers using CCQ. a. Hello Mom Ask Ss: can the other answer be used in formal postcards? (yes) b. Subject + verb to be + main verb with ING ending Ask Ss: can you give an example using this pattern? (I’m enjoying) c. Subject + verb in past tense Ask Ss: can you give an example using this pattern? (Yesterday I went to visit the museum xxx) d. Lots of love Ask Ss: can the other answers be used in formal postcards? (yes)

Productive Task(s) (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

3. Writing their own postcard At this stage , students will be asked to write their own postcard. but before that, they will be asked to brainstorm about ideas about whom they are going to write to, and where they are . The students are going to write a postcard about one of their vacation and the problem that they have had on the vacation. They must be careful about the layout of postcard and the stage of writing that. They are give a bout 20 minutes to write. T screens shares a GJamboard link in the chatbox. T asks Ss to find the slide with their name on it. Each student's name is highlighted in yellow. T explain to Ss that they should write their own postcard with the structure seen in the previous activities. (Date, greeting, body, closing, etc). Use T gives 6min to work individually in their own postcard. Use ICQs and call on Ss by name: •What is the activity about? (Write a postcard) •How many minutes do you have for this activity? (6 min) •Will you work individually or in groups? (individually) T monitors Ss while they write their postcards and help with any question.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

4. Feedback – Provide Ss with an (online) checklist so that they can read a peer´s postcard. You can send them to breakout rooms and they can give each other feedback after using the checklist Students will be provided with a checklist containing factors to include in a postcard writing ,students will use the checklist to each other's work. Then a whole class feedback is conducted. The teacher is going to check students' writing and if they have any mistakes such as tens or repeated vocabs, the teacher would point them out. The other thing that the teacher must check is stage of writing postcard. After the teacher's feedback is done, the students are going to stick their postcard on the wall and everyone would see and read their classmates' postcard. T tells Ss that they will give cross feedback with their peers using a checklist. In the checklist Ss will focus on 4 points. Greeting, content (2 points) and closing. T gives 4min for this activity. Use ICQs and call on Ss by name: •What is the activity about? (Conduct fb using a checklist) •How many minutes do you have for this activity? (4 min) •Will you work individually or in groups? (individually) T split Ss into BORs. T monitor feedback in BOR to gather material for DEC. T complies Ss on interesting content and language used in the postcards. T nominates Ss to elicit comments from their feedbacks. Use to gather more material for DEC. T writes a few examples of good language and gaps in GJamboard. Include issues with content and language.

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