Youssef Youssef

A2 level


Abc Cutting Edge. Pre-intermediate. (Students’ Book). Page: (35)
Abc HO's
Abc PPt

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of have to and has to in the context of Career shifting

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about Career shifting


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T shows them 4 pictures containing 1 character who is Mohamed Henedy. -T elicits from them who is this person in the pictures. -Questions will be asked to students to elicit : 1- Do you know him? 2-Did he work a lot of jobs in this movie? -T says (So, here we have some Q ask them to your partner) -T gives instructions: 1-You have 2 mins. 2-Try to remember one thing about your partner. -T asks ICQS: 1-How many things are you going to remember about your partner? 2-How many minutes do you have? -T pairs them and tells them to check their answers with their partner. -T asks them: 1-Who would like to have more than one job? (here the T will ask the partner about the why for this person) 2-Who wants to shift his career? ( T will ask the partner about the why for this person) -SS will answer with details. -T asks (So, what do you think our topic for today?) -SS will answer (Career shifting)

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-T tells the SS to read the email below and answer these Q. -T gives instructions 1-Read quickly. 2-You have 2 mins. -T asks ICQ'S: 1-Will you read quickly or slowly? 2-How many minutes do you have? -T tells the SS to check their answers together. -T checks as a group.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-T tells the SS to read the email again and choose the correct answer. -T gives instructions: 1-This time read slowly. 2-You have 4 mins. -SS check together. -T checks as a group. -T nominates someone to say the first sentence

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-T asks a Q: Can he work as a teacher without the right qualifications? (No) -T asks CCQ'S: 1-Is it necessary to do a training course? (Yes) 2-Is it important? (Yes) 3-Is there a choice? (No) -T says: When something I must do and I have no choice, I say (I have to do it). -T clarifies the contraction. (Hafta) -T drills chorally and as groups and individually. -T writes the form on the board. -T says (If I speak about Daniel, so do I say he have? or he has? -T clarifies the contraction (Hasta) -T drills chorally and as groups and individually. -T writes the form on the board. -T nominates someone to say the third sentence. -T asks CCQS: 1-Is it necessary to stop the work? (No) 2-Is there a choice? (Yes) 3-Can he stop the work? (Yes) -T says :(When I want to say this thing is not important and I have the choice to do it or not , I say (I don't have to) or (I don't hafta) -T drills chorally and as groups and individually. -T writes the form on the board. -T says let's speak again about Daniel, do I say (He don't?) or (He doesn't?) -T drills chorally and as groups and individually. -T writes the form on the board. -T makes a quick revision on what they've taken so far.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-T says (Let's apply the grammar and make sure it sticks to our minds). -T says( Here we have 9 sentences about your country, try to use have to and don't have to). -T answers the first two with them, and they do the rest. -T gives instructions: 1-Do it alone. 2- You have 2 mins. -T asks ICQS: 1-Will you answer alone or in pairs? 2-How many minutes? -T monitors. -SS check their ideas together. -T checks with them.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T says (Now It's the time for the speaking part to make sure that the grammar sticks to our mind more and more) -T starts this activity with a quick review of "Yes/No" questions with Have to. -The form: Do / Does + subject + have to + verb? -T puts the paper on his chest and says (here we will do the same, you're going to ask your classmates these Q's, and if he says yes you'll write his name and ask him for additional information using Who-What-Where-Why-When-How). -T models (For example, Mariam Do you have to get up early tomorrow morning? -Mariam: Yes, I do. -T: (writes classmate’s name in the box) Why do you have to get up early? -Mariam: I have to get to class on time. -T: (writes this information in the box) -T says (So, if someone says to your Q, you shouldn't write his name and leave this box empty. -T gives instructions: 1-Try to speak as much as you can and give details. 2-Write and speak. 3-Keep speaking to your classmates till you finish your paper. -T asks ICQ'S: 1-Are you going to speak to one person or till you finish the paper? 2-Are you going to speak and write or speak only? 3-Are you going to long answers or short answers? -The first three to finish will be the winners. -T monitors. -T gives content feedback. -T gives language feedback.

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