Alondra Sanchez Carrazco Alondra Sanchez Carrazco

Simple Present vs Present Continous
A2 level


In this lesson ss will learn the differences between simple present and present continuous and how to use them together. Teacher will begin with a lead-in a speaking activity with vocabulary seen in the last class describing dishes, where the ss will describe some pictures on a PPP. Followed by a grammar review of the simple present and present continuous where the ss will engage with the usage of both topics and learn about the differences. This will continue with an activity practice of filling the gap. Finally, S-T will wrap it up with a speaking-controlled activity.


Abc Jacqui Tirado PowerPoint Presentation - simple present vs. present continuous

Main Aims

  • To provide review of Dishes in the context of Food
  • To provide review of Review of Simple Present vs Present Continuous in the context of Food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Food


Warmer/Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • Engage students

1. Start the class with warm-up reviewing vocabulary from the previewest class by asking ss how is famous dish prepared for instance " a torta ahogada" ss should be able to use vocab like "is made of bread stuffed with meat..." 2. Continue with showing on the ppp pictures of different famous dishes and have ss to describe on their own. Also follow up the conversation with questions about their favorite dishes and what is it made of and how is it prepared.

Grammar Explanation (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for grammar practice

1. Teacher will prepare for topic review by asking the students questions in simple present and present continuous to check structure. 2. Teacher will continue with review of the two grammar topics by giving examples and also eliciting information from the student.

Practice Activities (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1. Ss will put into practice what has been explain previewestly with a filling gap activity practice on PPP. 2. Followed by another activity of liveworksheet. 3. activity 3 completing the sentences with the correct verbs.

Wrap up (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed comprehension writing/speaking task.

1. T will elicit information about the picture "what is she doing at the moment?" 2. TS will go over the information in Suzanne's weekly schedule. 3. student will write sentences about Suzanne's schedule in present simple and present continuous.

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To provide ss with feedback about the tipic.

Teacher will go over and check activity of Suzanne's schedule.

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