Maria Maria

Animals lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about the animals in their environment and how to treat them.


Abc Animal cards
Abc Animal cards
Abc Music speakers

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Name of animals in the context of Community

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide deduction listening practice using a text about Name of animals in the context of Community


Exposure (5-10 minutes) • Ask students about the existence of animals in their community

The student is asked about the existence of different species near the community and talks about where they live and how they should be treated.

Warmer/Lead-in (8-12 minutes) • show the students the animals

Show the students the cards with animals and ask which ones they know and what information they know about them, they will have to draw the animals they know.

Controlled Practice (15-20 minutes) • Begin to provide students with activities so that students relate the animal and where they live.

The students draw the variety of animals that were previously presented to them with the cards and draw their natural habitat.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • refrozing

Play a song to the students related to the animals they were working on previously.

Free Practice (13-18 minutes) • putting into practice what has been learned

Give the students an activity where they have to identify, without the help of the teacher, which of the animals already studied goes with their respective habitat.

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