hayfa bemri hayfa bemri

Workshop - Communicating The Importance of Posidonia to Complaining Hotel Guests
Beginner-Intermnediate level


In this session, the staff will learn about the benefits of Posidonia, its importance for the eco-system and natural environment in the context of complaining hotel guests. The staff will practice communicating the importance of Posidonia conservation to Iberostar hotel guests. Finally the staff will share creative solutions to reduce negative guest complaints about posidonia on the beach.


Abc Guest Reviews
Abc Feedback Form QR
Abc Posidonia video
Abc Roleplay Cards

Main Aims

  • To assess how employees perceive Posidonia in each hotel.
  • To find out how they handle and manage posidonia now
  • To learn and practice communication with hotel guests, in the context of addressing guests enquiries and complaints about posidonia.
  • To elicit, further ideas and solutions from the participants

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification on erosion, posidonia, marine eco-system in the context of Iberostar Coastal Health Strategy and Wave of Change Movement


Introduction Ice breaker (10-15 minutes) • to establish a positive and inclusive atmosphere at the beginning of the presentation

- We kick off each presentation by introducing ourselves. --> This sets the tone for participant introductions, providing a model for sharing who we are and what we do . --> This intro slightly varied based on the demographic of the audience in each session and what we have learned from previous groups. In the background, the presentation on display is the title slide (Learning Experience: Slide 1)--> This is to engage the audience visually and activate their existing knowledge to prepare them for the topic --> The combination of personal introductions and the title page with the ocean-themed image and main key keywords serves multiple purposes: - The ocean image helps set the theme of the session - topic of session: "posidonia oceanica preservation," "Tunisia", "Marine ecosystem," and "Wave of change" (in Arabic), Iberostar Logo --> exposing the audience to the main keywords right from the beginning to provide a preview of the main topics and builds anticipation and focus among the staff. - Including "wave of change" in Arabic demonstrates cultural sensitivity and ensures that the presentation resonates with the Tunisian audience. - ocean-themed image and keywords adds a visual element, capturing the audience's attention and making the presentation more visually appealing and accessible. --> (visuals support in bridging language and knowledge gaps ) - Staff are asked to guess what the workshop is about, from looking at the Title slide image, main keywords in Arabic, and English (French cognates used to make English accessible to the French Speaking Audiences) --> Familiarity and language support

Lead-In Workshop Introduction (10-15 minutes) • To assess the staff's pre-existing knowledge about 'posidonia' , 'wave of change movement' and ' Iberostar's Coastal Health strategy'

In Arabic, trainer explains to the group that, first we want to know how much they know about 'posidonia' and Iberostar's "wave of change movement". Participants answer from a multiple choice: "I know a lot", "I know a little" "I don't know" The questions: -What is the wave of change movement? -What do you know about Iberostar Coastal Health strategy? -Are you familiar with Posidonia Oceanica? --> here we measured participants familiarity with terms related to our workshop, and Iberostar. --> (very few had some idea about wave of change movement) --> facilitating an interactive discussion, encouraging those with knowledge to share with the group --> establishing a collaborative learning environment. In this stage we also assessed language proficiency and preferences of staff.

Warmer/Lead-in (15-20 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage participants

- Display motion image of Posidonia --> Ask staff to share their thoughts and experiences with posidonia: "what's this?" --> ask/teach common names of posidonia, in different languages such as "dhrii", "posidonie", "seaweed", "seagrass" --> then ask: "where do you find posidonia?", "what can you tell me about it?"--> Encourage speaking, using Arabic, French, and English for inclusivity. --> responses translated to English for transparency and inclusion --> Show 2 real life pictures side by side --> explain that people have mixed emotions about posidonia --> we often see this on the beach, "how do you feel about it?" --> "why do you think some people don't like it?" --> open discussion

Exposure (15-20 minutes) • To expose staff to real hotel guest review about posidonia

- Ask staff: "do guests complain to you about posidonia on the beach?" --> "what do they say?" (good or bad?) - Tell staff they will read 3 guest reviews about the hotel beach experience --> T reads review/T asks S to quickly read the reviews --> tells staff to categorize the reviews to | positive | neutral | negative | --> (match with the color of emotion in the image.) - conclude that guests have different feelings towards posidonia. --> ask staff why they think that is? --> elicit reason why guests may not like to see posidonia on the beach. (not beautiful view, bad for photos, inconvenient, perceived not clean, impact the water activity, environmental concerns, smell, discomfort, ..) --> (The guest think the hotel doesn't care for guest experience)

Learning about Posidonia (15-20 minutes) • To raise awareness of the importance of posidonia for oceans

- Staff will participate in a (This or That?) Game --> Explain to staff that for this activity, they will look at two scenes side by side, and they must choose 1 --> by the end of the activity

Highlighting • Discuss the challenges and impacts of global warming and human actions on Posidonia.

- bringing up the topic of climate change --> " what is climate change?" "what is it in arabic?" "name is in french?" --> staff are mixed ability and proficient in different languages, this helps to check for understanding and sharing different language --> diversity and inclusion - driving the discussion to the environmental factors related to global warming and climate change --> open discussion about weather changes in Tunisia. - Introducing "erosion" through news article --> to support this we use comparative images to further explain. --> open discussion with group about phenomena of erosion - This or that activity --> two extreme case scenarios to see audience perception and prepare them for posidonia video where they have a summative idea about this plant.

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • More about posidonia

- elicit from staff what they already know about posidonia. - images side by side show posidonia misconception and raise the issue " posidonia is perceived as rubbish" --> open discussion with the group about how they perceive posidonia --> what is it commonly associated with? - participants are introduced to "posidonia" in the different languages --> participants watch posidonia video (n.b we dont have copyright to use this video publicly) --> discuss what else they learned about posidonia after seeing the video --> listen to answers and feedback --> ask staff "have guests complained about posidonia?" "what do they say?" "how do you usually handle guest complaints?" --> share three types of guest reviews; positive, negative, neuteral --> staff are exposed to different type of guest feedback and given a model to work around in following task --> this activity prepares them for the next task --> role play task

Semi-Controlled Practice (35-45 minutes) • To prepare staff for real-life situations and empathize with the guests

- T displays image of role-play to introduce activity --> T explains to staff they will practice engaging with guest through a role-play activity --> tell staff they will work in pairs, explain that each pair will have a unique situation - T displays example role-play scenario on WB --> T gives instructions for role play activity --> T asks for volunteer to model activity --> T models situation with the volunteer -T pairs staff (considering English language level) --> T tells staff they will go outside to the beach for this activity --> T tells staff they will have 15 minutes plan the role-play - Staff work in pairs outside to plan their role-play --> Trainers go around to support staff during activity --> Staff will take turns to act out their role-play situation --> at the end we all vote for the best role-play act.

Free Practice • To provide staff with opportunity to share their ideas and propose solutions

- final activity --> collecting ideas from staff about how we can better manage posidonia leafs and what we can do to reduce posidonia complaints of guests.

Web site designed by: Nikue