Poster advertising
A1 level
In this lesson students will learn the parts of an advertising poster. This lesson will begin with a brainstorming session, with students deciding what they think the parts are called. I will immediately give you a sheet where the real names of the parties will appear. Finally, the students will make an advertising poster of the ones they like the most.
Al finalizar, para dar retroalimentación a los estudiantes, estos deberán pasar a exhibir el cartel y así darse cuenta si entendieron bien el mensaje de la actividad.
White cardboard
White cardboard
Ad parts sheet
Ad parts sheet
White cardboard
White cardboard
Ad parts sheet
Ad parts sheet
Main Aims
To provide process writing practice of a Poster in the context of School
Subsidiary Aims
5th group "A"
Procedure (19-25 minutes)
Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students
By brainstorming, start asking the parts of the ad or poster
Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for activitys
Make known the activity to be carried out with clear language
Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language
At the end, to give feedback to the students, they must go on to display the poster and thus realize if they understood the message of the activity correctly.
Make the poster
At the end of giving the instruction, the advertising poster will be made using the materials
Web site designed by: Nikue