Margarita Arizmendi Margarita Arizmendi

TP4 LP Margarita Arizmendi
Intermediate level


This lesson will focus on introducing to Ss and practicing "must", "have to" and "should" to express obligation.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of must, have and should to express obligation in the context of job interviews

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about advice for the first job interview.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of first job interview


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will share a Google Slides presentation with the questions: What was your first job? Did you like it? Why/why not? And ask Ss to work in pairs to ask each other this question (2 minutes). I will demo the activity by saying: "My first job was as a cashier at an amusement park. I didn't like it, it was boring".

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will share a Google Docs with a text and ask Ss to read individually and choose TWO potential titles for the text (2 minutes). I will demo the activity and assign a page number to each S. Then, I will ask them to work in pairs to compare answers (2 minutes), and in OCFB I will nominate one or two students to give the answers.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will ask Ss to underline or highlight the sentences including TL in the same Google Docs they worked before individually (2 minutes). I will demo the activity. Then, we will have OCFB. I will nominate three students to give me the answers.

Clarification (9-11 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING and APPROPRIACY I will ask Ss to individually match examples of TL with their meaning on the right (2 minutes). Then, I will ask them to compare answers in pairs (2 minutes). In OCFB, I will nominate one or two pairs to share their answers. Then, I will make some or all of the CCQs (depending on how I find the general understanding of the group): • CCQs: 1.- What modal is a synonym for “necessary” or “mandatory”? – Must 2.- Can you replace “must” with “should” in the sentence “You must finish your homework before going out” and still say the same? -No, because the intention of using “must” is to impose a strong obligation and changing it with “should” would change the sentence an advice or an optional way to act. 3.- Can we use “should” to expressing an obligation? – NO 4.- But, in expressing obligation, is “must” or “have to” more formal? – “Must” is more formal FORM: I will elicit the form of these modals from students so that they become aware that the form is modal verb + main verb (infinitive) FCQs: 1. In our examples, do we have one or more verbs? – Two verbs: Main verb and auxiliary verb (modal verb) 2. Are “should”, “must” and “have to” the main verb or an auxiliary verb? – They are auxiliary verbs 3. Does the main verb come before or after the modal verb? - After 4. In which form is the main verb? - In infinitive. The form is modal + infinitive. 5. Does the form change when making questions? – Yes. “Should” and “must” come before the subject in questions (For example, “I should go”, “Should I go?” or “You must sleep”, “Must you sleep?”). For “have to”, we add the auxiliary do, like this: “I have to go”, “Do I have to go?” 6. Do these modals ever change their form based on the subject or tense? - Yes, “have to” needs conjugation of the verb “to have” based on the subject or tense (for example, “I have to go”, but “He has to go” for the third person singular or “We had to go” for the past). "Must" and "should" do not change (For example, “I should go” and it is incorrect to say “He should goes” or “We should went”) PRONUNCIATION: I will model pronunciation at least three times and elicit number of syllables and stressed syllable from Ss. Then, I will do choral drilling and individual drilling. 1. Must Strong: /mʌst / Weak: /məst/, /məs/ ● Syllables: 1 2. Have to Strong: /hæv tuː/ Weak: /hæftə/ ● Syllables: 2 (have-to) ● Stressed syllable: "have” have to ● Linking: have-to 3. Should Strong: /ʃʊd/ Weak: /ʃəd/ ● Syllables: 1

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will share a Google Docs and ask Ss to fill in the blanks with TL individually (2 minutes). I will demo the first answer. Then, Ss will be instructed to check answers in pairs (2 minutes). In OCFB I will nominate one or two students to check answers.

Free Practice (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will ask Ss to work in pairs to ask each other the question: What advice would you give to the Student? (3 minutes) I will tell Ss to use "have to", "must" and "should" in their answers. I will demo this activity: "For example, I would tell the Student: - You must send an updated version of your curriculum. - You have to accompany it with a cover letter. -You should show interest in the position and the company". I will monitor to ensure they are understanding what they have to do. In OCFB, I will nominate two or three students to present their sentences and check the correct use of modals.

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