Alondra Sanchez Carrazco Alondra Sanchez Carrazco

Simple Past Review and Present Perfect Introduction
A2 level


In this lesson the ss will review the simple past and learn about the rules and use of the grammar point present perfect. The ss will identify the difference between SP (Simple Past) and PP (Present Perfect).


Abc PowerPoint presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Review of simple past and introduction of the present perfect

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide inference reading practice using a text about Amira in the context of Learning English


Simple Past Review (6-5 minutes) • Review simple past tense

Review the use of SP and its function of talking about actions that finished at specific time in the past. Ask s to identify the verbs that are regular and irregular.

Introduce Present Perfect / Elicitation (8-10 minutes) • Present the present perfect tense through a text and elicit the fucntion of the Pp using questions

Focus ss attention into two questions ( do not mention the tense to ss) 1. Where is Amira living now? 2. does she like it? Then have the ss to read the text and then have them answer the questions. Back to text and elicit answer for the following questions. Go back to the text. Amira is living in the States now. But, did she live in another country before? 2. When did she move to Dallas? Do you know? 3. She has lived in Dallas for 5 years. That means that she moved to Dallas 5 years ago. (Make sure the verb is emphasized as well as the period; a time line can be drawn on the board to show when Amira was in Venezuela, and for how long she has been in Dallas. Time lines are good to show time periods visually). 4. Is she still living in Dallas? 5. How many years? 6. Did she learn English when she was in Venezuela? 7. Is she still learning English in Dallas? 8. Did she like learning English in the past? Does she like English now? Explain to students that Amira is telling us things she started in the past and she is still doing in the present. For this she uses PRESENT PERFECT. go ever the structure and use of the tense.

Practice (6-10 minutes) • ss will put into practice what was explained To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Ss will answer some activity practice related with Simple past and Present perfect

Wrap up (8-10 minutes) • Ss will be able to put tu practice what they've learn of the grammar point

Ss will do a writing activity to wrap up what they have learnt into a small paragraph. They will write about where they have lived for the past 3 years and what has their experience in learning English has been.

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