María Jose María Jose

Grammar: gerunds
Pre-Intermediate level


Abc Lead - in: Google slide with pictures
Abc Lead - in: Google form
Abc Exposure: slide with marker sentences
Abc Controlled Practice - Google form (Complete the sentences)
Abc Exposure - reading for gist: document with text
Abc Meaning - Google form
Abc Google slides with instructions of all the tasks and answer keys
Abc Pronunciation - handout (word doc) "Stress Patterns"
Abc Google slides with TL and tasks to work on MFP

Main Aims

  • To provide a review of gerunds in the context of speaking about likes, dislikes, and interests.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of the TL.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show the students some pictures about different activities (people at the beach, eating with friends, playing sports, etc). Ask ss: "what do you think the class will be about today"? Then, clarify the topic: today we will review how to use gerunds to talk about our likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc." (1 min) Task1: Show the task to the ss. They will see a box with different activities. Give instructions: Look at the box "which of the things in the box do you like? which do you dislike? Mark each one like this: 5= I love it/them! / 3= it's OK/ I don't mind it/ them 1= I hate it/ them! Provide a google form with the task. Ask the ss to complete the form individually (1 min) Then, to share their answers with their classmates in groups (2 min). Send ss to BOR. Comment briefly on the ideas given by the students, then move on to the following stage.

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Task 2: Part 1. Reading for gist Send the text by chat (word doc). Then, provide the instructions: - Work individually. Read the extract where 5 people are talking about some activities, then you will answer these questions orally: what are they talking about? / do they like or dislike it? *Time to read the text (1 min) ICQ. Do you need to focus on getting the main ideas of the text or do you need to find specific details? (the main ideas). Ask the ss to answer the questions about each person in the reading. (2 min) Part 2. Instruct ss to look at the text again and underline all the phrases used for expressing likes, dislikes, and interests. Ask them to send some examples by chat. (1 min) Wait for the ss to send some of their examples. Then, show a slide with the marker sentences. Highlight the gerunds, and ask: "What do we call these words? What part of speech is it?" (provide options: is it a verb, a noun, a gerund?) Ask the ss some introductory questions about the TL: "What kinds of verbs do gerunds normally come after?" (verbs such as like, love, hate). "Can we place a gerund at the beginning of a sentence?" (yes). "Can we place a gerund after a preposition?" (yes) - ask the ss to provide examples from the text (orally).

Clarification (8-20 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MFPA MEANING: (6 min) Task 3. Ask the ss to complete a Google form. Provide the instructions: What do these sentences mean? Choose the right alternative. Show the task. Send the handout by chat. (3 min) Give an example: do the 1st exercise with the ss. OC Feedback: elicit answers from ss. Clarify errors. (1 min) Use CCQs to clarify the meaning of the marker sentences. Show the following example on a slide, and ask CCQs: (2 min) 1. Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies. - If I say this, am I emphasizing the action or the person doing the action? (the action) - Am I highlighting that this experience is positive for me? (yes) - Am I emphasizing the experience of dancing in general or am I giving importance to specific information (like the types of dances I like, for example)? (dancing, in general) - Am I talking about a constant feeling or will I change my mind soon about dancing? (It’s a constant feeling) (*) NOTE: The core meaning of the marker sentences is very similar and most likely ss will not have issues understanding the meaning. For these reasons, and to avoid being repetitive, I will only ask CCQs about one marker sentence. FORM: (8 min) Part 1. Show the following marker sentences on a slide and ask the ss to complete the grammatical rule: 1. Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies. ________ + verb + complement 2. I hate buying presents. _______ + verb + _______ + complement 3. I’m interested in learning how to make chocolate. ______ + verb to be + adjective + _________ + _________ + complement (*) If the ss confuse the gerunds with the present participle, clarify that to form a progressive tense it is necessary to include the verb to be. Give an example ("I am reading"). Guide the students to notice there is no verb to be in the marker sentence (“Can you see the verb to be – am, is, are- in the sentence?) (no). Part 2. Ask the ss these questions: 1. Which of those gerunds (-ing form) is the object of the sentence? Once the ss have answered, clarify: Tell them to look at the 2nd sentence, and to help them identify the object, ask: - "What do I hate?" (buying presents) - "Then, is this the object or subject?" (the object). - Clarify: "so, as you can see, the gerund is the object of the sentence. 2. Which gerund is the subject of the sentence? Once the ss have answered, clarify: Tell the ss to look at the 1rst sentence, then to help them identify the subject, ask: - "What is the sentence about? What is the sentence describing?" (dancing)" - "Then, is this the object or subject?" (the subject) - Clarify: "as you can see, gerunds can also be the subject of the sentence". 3. Which gerund comes after a preposition? (learning) After the ss have answered all of the previous questions, clarify the following: a gerund is formed by a verb ending in -ing, however, it acts as a noun; which means, it occupies the positions in a sentence that a noun normally would. For example: subject, object, and object of preposition (following a preposition). *Ask ss: "do gerunds always end in -ing? (yes) if the gerund is at the beginning of the sentence, does it end in -ing"?" (yes) (*)This is to remind ss that gerunds always end in -ing (independently of the position they occupy in the sentence). PRON (4 min) - Stress task: Tell ss they will work individually. They will receive a handout (word doc) with some main words from the marker sentences. They will need to put each word in the right column according to its stress pattern. Send the handout by chat. Time to complete the handout (1 min) - Once the ss have chosen the stress patterns, display pronunciation slides with the answers (the marker sentences with the stressed syllables). Ask the ss to check their answers. Then model and elicit other key sound features. Display linking arrows and IPA phonemes on the slide. Read and drill sentences chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Tell ss they will work on this task individually. Send a Google form by chat. Provide the instructions: "Complete the sentences with gerunds. Use the words in the box. Make the sentences true". Time: 4 min OCFB: Ask the ss to share their answers by chat (1 min). Copy some of the answers on the slide. Elicit corrections from ss. Focus on clarifying doubts and areas of difficulties. (2 min)

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Part 1. Tell ss to work individually first. Provide instructions: "Make true sentences about your own likes, dislikes, and beliefs. Use the list of phrases (I love, I hate, I like, I enjoy, _______is good for you, ____is bad for you, ______is fun, etc) You can use the ideas in the box or your own ideas. Write at least 3 sentences". (*) Ideas in the box: babies, buying presents, chocolate, computer games, dancing, dogs, hot baths, etc. Tell ss they can write their sentences on a word doc or a piece of paper. Time: 3 mins Part 2. Read your sentences to your classmates (if you have enough time, comment on their sentences) (2 min). OC Feedback and DEC (4 min) 1. Brief content-based feedback (1 min): ask ss follow-up questions ("who can tell me something interesting your classmate told you?"). Acknowledge the good use of gerunds in their sentences. 2. DEC (3 min) Focus on giving feedback regarding grammar mistakes and pronunciation. Write some sentences with mistakes on the slide. Elicit corrections from the ss. Suggest some reformulations. Clarify and correct the mistakes on the slide. (*) If there is enough time, ask ss to write some of their sentences in the chat. Elicit corrections.

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