Narvin Narvin

IELTS demo lesson plan
elementary: low-intermediate level


In this lesson sts learn about consumerism through a guided discovery .this lesson starts with shopping phrases and expressions .It's followed by organizing ideas and notes based on mindmap and bullet point techniques .finally there are some controlled practices to express feelings through intonations and free practice via a final task card speaking activity.


Abc power point slides /mindset for IELTS /
Abc magnets,gum stick, bell ,sticky ball,

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation /discussion in the context of Shopping / consumerism

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop sts ability to speak fluently and interactively +to give sts practice of language items


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Activity 1: To set lesson context and engage students.

Sts will be presented with the first slide on power point aid and they will answer the following questions : where do you like to go shopping? who do you like to go shopping with? some answers will be elicited from the Sts Then they will be guided to open their books to page on their books. They will be answering questions 1,2and 3 in pairs .

game + activity 2: (7-10 minutes) • to prepare Sts for doing the fill in the blanks activity

Sts will be asked to close their books: Vocabulary game on slide will be shown . Sts will be st from each group stand in front of the board, teacher will read the word, Sts will try to find the meaning as soon as possible so the successful st will be the one who slaps on the right definition sooner .teacher will give on positive on board to the winner group each time .this will go on until all sts get the chance to play the game. Then they will be directed to listen and fill in the blanks in their books activity 2.

activities 3+4 :Useful Language (3-5 minutes) • To highlight and match useful shopping phrases to their opposites /To use shopping phrases n discussion

activity 3 : let Sts match the phrases to their opposites individually . sts will have 2minutes time. T plays a music to help sts pay attention carefully. Then T reads out each phrase while asking individual st to say the opposite . the correct answers will be presented in following slide. activity 4: books will be closed.T put the sts in pairs . To discuss where they like to go shopping by giving reasons using the phrases in activity 3.

activities 5+6:developing ideas in Speaking part 2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice organizing notes and ideas in 2 different ways :mindmap or bullet points

activity 5 :based on Daniel's talk : ppt slide will be shown on screen Teacher distributes small 2 pieces of paper .Then put all sts into 2 teams.Sts can choose team they like the most: bullet point team or mindmap team .sts will have time to write answers that are true for them . activity 6 : exchange their notes with their partners and try to speak out on topic.

Activity 7 listening Task + (3-5 minutes) • To practice taking notes while listening using mindmap or bullet point style.

let the sts prepare piece of paper and a pencil / let sts to read out task card once . remind them to organize the notes and choose either the bullet point or mindmap style. then teacher plays the Audio file once.

activity 8 :speaking task: (3-5 minutes) • to help sts talk as long as they can using their notes

teacher put sts in pairs so sts will have 2 minutes time to talk about the task card using their notes , then sts will have 1 minute time to read the yumni's script on page 184 . next sts in 1 minute time will complete the checklist considering their notes individually. finally teacher and sts as whole class will discuss how to improve note taking skill.

Activity 9 :speaking task + speed dating game (5-8 minutes) • to maximize stt / to elicit ideas about shopping

teacher put the relevant ppt slide on screen . teacher put whole class into team A and team B sts will have 1 minute time to prepare speaking about 2 questions . Teacher monitors sts taking notes .to give proper hints if needed. Servey game : all sts stand up walk around the class so each st can ask his/her 2 questions.Teacher rings the bell after 1 minute .so sts can ask same questions from a new partner .

activity 10:pronunciation +intonation (3-5 minutes) • to help sts have a native like pronunciation also to convey feelings through correct intonation

teacher will play the audio file once /sts will listen and decide if they are positive or negative in tone . sts will listen again to copy the tone .sentence by sentence. teacher let sts read out sentences individually . teacher will encourage and check the sts pronunciation and intonation.

activity 11 :writing task (3-5 minutes) • to encourage sts show feelings through their words

teacher put the relavant ppt slide on screen .sts will have 2 minutes time to write about reasons why they like /don't like shopping. Teacher monitors sts to give hints if needed. teacher rings the bell sts in pair : will have 2 minutes time to read out loud their reasons first in neutral way second in correct intonation.

Activity12 exam skills : (4-6 minutes) • to encourage sts produce language fluently based on their notes

teacher put the relevant ppt slide on screen . sts will have 1 minute time to read out task card and individually. teacher monitors sts to check and give hints. teacher rings the bell to inform sts to stop writing . then sts will have 2 minutes time to talk about the topic. teacher rings the bell so the other st in pair can start talking for 2 minutes.

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