Marcell Marcell

LP_Marcelo Marca
CAE Level level


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Main Aims

  • In this lesson Ss will be exposed to certain factors which improve their writing when it comes to "Reviews"

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will learn the correct way to organise their essay.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will ask Ss if they remember the layout of the review task show in the previous class. If so T will ask Ss to say what were the most important caractheristics of the review task Ss answer the question. If not, T revises the correct answer.

Exposure (18-20 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

T will ask Ss if they know what passive voice is. If Ss answer no, T will provide a full review of the grammar. If Ss say yes, T will give a brief explanation and move on to the examples. T will ask Ss to go to page 209 for a review of passive voice. T will explain how you form a passive voice (Suitable tense of the verb be and a past participle) T will show the appropriate steps to form a Passive Voice sentence. T will open a Word document containing the steps and examples for a better understanding. T will ask if there are any questions, if not T will show the list of Active and Passive voice example in page 209. T will now explain when is the Passive voice used (Page 209) T will finish explaining and move on the task.

Task (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T will ask Ss to go to page 26 Writing Part 2 T will ask 1 Ss to read the task and another one to read the exam question. T will ask Ss to identify which two things students need to include in their answer. T will now give Ss 1 minute to brainstorm ideas about what else they could include in their review. Ss will finish and T will ask them to share their ideas. T will know give Ss 2 minutes for them to read the text. After Ss have finished reading the text T will ask them to discuss among themselves the organisation, use of language of the review and whether or not does it answer the questions fully. T will give Ss 3-4 minutes to discuss. After Ss discuss T will explain the correct answers for the discussion. T will know ask Ss to go back to page 26 and check the sentences that are underlined. T will ask Ss to turn those sentence into passive voice. For this T will give Ss 7 minutes and afterwards will check their answers. T will explain the "SENTENCE DEVELOPMENT" part in page 26. T will now ask Ss what is missing in the review example. Ss will answer that what's missing is the conclussion T will present Ss with 3 possible conclussions and ask them to identify the correct one. T will give Ss a few seconds to read the options and choose the correct answer explaining why. T will now show Ss a list of words which they can use to describe their reaction to things. Ss will read the list of words and T will ask if there is any word which they may have problems with. T explains the definition of the sentence and asks Ss to come up with 5 more words to include in the list. If Ss are unable to complete the list because of a lack of vocabulary, T will show a list of 5 possible options. T will explain that by using this words Ss are enhancing their review.

Writing Task (45-45 minutes) • To allow students to put into practice what they learnt.

T will now ask Ss to read the exam question in page 27. T will give Ss 45 minutes for them to complete the review. T will ask Ss in what register and style does the review need to be. T will remind Ss of what stages are important before starting to write (Brainstorm ideas, Organize # of paragraphs based on their ideas, Recommendation must be included in the conclusion, Use of passive voice, Use list of vocabulary) T will set a timer and Ss to start. If Ss may have any questions T will tell them to feel free to ask questions.

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