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Copy of demo lesson reading -cutting edge int
intermediate level


In lesson I will introduce a jigsaw reading activity for scanning and gist on the topic of leisure activities


Abc powerpoint - vocab fsw - activity leisure activities - teacher prepared -
Abc powerpoint - vocab fsw - activity leisure activities - teacher prepared -

Main Aims

  • To provide ss with an opportunity to practice scanning and gist reading in the context of leisure activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To raise ss awareness of exponents of like / dislike and statistical language


lead- in 2 (3-5 minutes) • to prepare students for the FSW activity and guide use correct language and restate rules.

show some pictures of leisure activities for ss to guess - topic leisure ask ss to brainstorm more examples and board responses - organised board go .... / do ..... / play ... / other elicit rule from the students go - ing / do activity / play sport / other Ask ss to match opposites of exponents of like / dislike - EX1 page 8 FB answers show on powerpoint

language practice (7-10 minutes) • to give ss an opportunity orally practice exponents of like / dislike through context of leisure

Set up FSW activity with demonstration and elicit follow-on questions Demonstrate: Find SW regularly goes to the cinema .... who do you go with? what types of films do you like? How often do you go? make sure to use ICQ'S (instruction checking questions) Do I speak to one person or more than one person? Do I ask extra questions? Do I write down the answers? Do I just say Yes I like or I really love etc? Note leave exponents on board to prompt ss and as reference Feedback ask 3 ss about what they learnt about the other ss

pre-reading vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

show ss letters on powerpoint - give definition of word for ss to guess the answers. team game to increase motivation. pensioner, participate in, according to, a fifth, majority, reveal, hang out, exhausted, recent show picture to support meaning of word

pre-reading (3-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Ask ss to read the reading and speaking statements EX1 and word in pairs and make guesses. Feedback guesses to whole class and board ideas.

While-Reading (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

Divide the class into two groups - ask one group to read paragraphs 1 - 4 and the other group paragraphs 5 - 9 . ask SS to read paragraphs and check answers / guesses together.

Post-Reading 2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and report about what they learnt

Ask ss to look at the text again and in pairs SS underline 3 facts they thought were interesting. Swap pairs ( or put into groups of four - depending on level) and ask ss to report about what they learnt about the text to the other pair. NOTE ask ss to turn paper when reporting - so that they speak and don't just read from the text. (If time - Ask ss to read the part of the text they didn't read and check the information they were told by the other student)

While reading 2 (6-10 minutes) • to give ss a more challenging task and reading for details / inference

Write titles for three paragraphs on the board and ask ss to match the titles to the paragraphs - Teens in America don't do much sport Young people and work Husbands and wives Elicit the "quality / accuracy" of the titles. Are the titles suitable for the paragraphs - too specific? or not specific / accurate enough? Can you suggest a better title? Ask ss to work in threes and write titles for three more paragraphs.

post-reading 2 (5-5 minutes) • To give ss a more challenging reading task

Ask SS write their titles on board (choose one title from each group depending on time) SS word in groups of three and discuss quality of titles WCFB - which titles are good / bad why? Ending what did you learn / like about today's lesson?

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