Jocelyn McDonald Jocelyn McDonald

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice and revise speaking about clarifying opinions, by giving opinions and giving examples to support. The lesson begins with a question about using animals for testing makeup and medicine. It is followed by a gist activity for the model conversation text, and identifying the key phrases. These key phrases are extracted from the text and clarified for MFAP, through guided discovery. After, students discuss different scenarios to practice clarifying their opinions. Finally, the lesson ends with delayed error correction and peer feedback on the speaking activity.



Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in clarifying opinions about real life topics by giving opinions and giving examples to support, so as to be able to do this in real life situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To read for gist and identify language used to give opinions and give examples showing support.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share Google Slides- pictures of animals, with 2 questions. -T demos answer. -Learners discuss together whether they agree or disagree with the teacher’s answers in OCFB, 3 mins.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Ss will be asked to read a conversation for the main idea, and decide what it is about. T-gives instructions and asks them not to submit it. T- asks ICQ’s: 1. Do you think you need to read slowly or quickly for the main idea? Quickly. 2. How long do you have? 1 minute. T- share link to Google Forms to chat box. Ss-read the following conversation: Sam: What do you think makes someone intelligent? Jill: In my view, someone who completes university and becomes a doctor or scientist is intelligent. Sam: One of the most intelligent people I know is a ten-year-old boy from Egypt. He doesn't go to school and he works in a tourist area in Cairo. He sells souvenirs to tourists. The reason I say he's intelligent is that he can sell you something in about fifteen languages. He guesses where you're from and then he starts speaking your language. For example, I heard him speak a little bit of French, Spanish, Japanese, and Italian. He knows enough in all these languages to say hello and sell you something. Jill: That's amazing! How did he learn the languages? Sam: I asked him that and he said he learnt them by talking to tourists. Jill: I must say I hadn’t considered someone like this intelligent before. Sam: For me, even though he doesn’t go to school, I do think he's super-intelligent. Sam: Let me give you another example. I have a friend who built his own house. He taught himself how to do it, bought some land and just did it. No qualifications, no university degree. Jill: That’s impressive. Degrees and certificates aren't everything, but from my perspective, qualifications are useful in some ways. For one thing, they show that you're able to complete a course. Sam: Yeah, I do believe that's true. After, Ss can discuss and answer the following questions for guided discovery. If 4 or more students they can compare via private chat, and OCFB can be done after. 1. Do Sam and Jill first agree what makes someone intelligent? (Yes/No) No 2. What language tells us that? In my view/The reason I say (he’s intelligent) is that… 3. What language does Sam use to support his reasons? For example/Let me give you an example.

Useful Language (7-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T covers MPF for clarifying opinions as taken from the model conversation. ‘The reason I say (this) is that’ ‘For me’ ‘In my view’, ‘I do think’ ‘I must say’ ‘For example’ ‘Let me give you an example’ ‘For one thing’ T will use Google forms for GUIDED DISCOVERY. Students will work in a group of 2 or 3 (if 4 or more they can use BOR). T will turn camera off during this time. T shares Google form link to chat box. T gives instructions and asks ICQ: Individually or in pairs? Pairs (group of 3) T does first question with the students. T will show answer key once completed and elicit additional information to show comprehension, such as 1. could I say “I’m not sure” to give my opinion? 2. What else could I say here? (In my opinion/I believe/I feel)/(For instance/Let me tell/share…) 3. Can I say ‘I am do think’? 4. Can I say ‘I must to say’? MEANING: 1. Synonyms- My argument for saying, my rationale for saying, my basis for saying CCQ: Is ‘the reason I say’ used to give an opinion or to explain a belief/action? To explain 2. Synonyms- from my perspective, in my opinion, if you ask me, as far as I’m concerned 3. Synonyms- The way I see it, in my opinion 4. Synonyms- I (do) believe, I (do) feel, I strongly believe 5. Synonyms- I have to say, I have to admit, 6. Synonyms- for instance, such as, to illustrate, in fact 7. Synonyms- here is an example, following is an example, take an example, to give you an idea 8. Synonyms- for a start, for instance, in the first place, first off Students will answer 3 questions for MEANING: 1. ‘The reason I say (he’s intelligent) is that’ is used to say: 1. An opinion or 2. An explanation (2.) 2. In ‘I do think’ and ‘I must say’, why are do and must used? To say emphasis 3. What other language in the text is used to give an opinion? I do believe, in my perspective FORM: Students will answer 1-2 questions about formation. PRONUNCIATION Students will answer a question about the stressed word. 1. What 4 words are stressed in the following 4 phrases? 1. In my view 2. I do think 3. I must say 4. For one thing Answer: my, do, must, one -T reads and drills sentences chorally and individually for stressed word. Demos attitudinal intonation.

Productive Task(s) (15-18 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T shares 2 topics (a 3rd topic will be ready if they finish early) to discuss on the screen. Useful language is also provided on the screen. T models an answer. T shares link to chat box so it can be opened up in breakout rooms, if needed. Ss are given 6-7 minutes to discuss each topic, and then will switch topics. If more than two students, they will also switch partners (In BOR if 3 or more students). ICQs: Individually or in partners? In partners. Will you discuss the same topic with the same partner? No (depending on student numbers)

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T will write 3 examples of errors. (Ideally one per student). **have Google docs open to type what heard and then copy/paste onto Whiteboard** T will ask Ss to identify which statements need improvement. T will elicit corrections by highlighting specific parts of the sentences.

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