Nadia Nadia

TP6 Functions - Nadia Kamali
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, the pre-intermediate level students will practice refusing invitations and they will also have the chance to practice how they can provide excuses to decline the invitations politely. The lesson starts with a short engagement discussion about invitations. This is followed by a conversational reading/listening input activity in which students read/listen to a sample discussion about invitations, refusing, stating excuses and get exposed to some target expressions. Then, we will have language analysis about the highlighted target language and clarify the meaning of the language highlighted & of course form, pronunciation and appropriacy will also be elicited. After that, the students will do some productive speaking practice as a follow-up activity, and we will focus on improving the students' speaking skill by relating to the discussed topic followed by some feedback & delayed correction afterwards.


Abc Breakout rooms
Abc Google docs
Abc Google forms
Abc PDF or Image
Abc PowerPoint
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for refusing invitations in the context of a
  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to refuse invitations politely using appropriate language

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide a reason for refusing an invitation politely and practice speaking for fluency in the context of refusing invitations and reading for gist in this context.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show some pictures to the students and ask them what they think they pictures are showing and then relate them to the topic of invitations. Then I will ask if they like inviting or being invited and whether they accept or decline invitations mostly. Teacher> What do you see in the picture? What is happening? What are they doing? Who are they? Do you like invitations? How do you usually invite people? Do you like inviting or being invited? Do you usually accept or decline invitations? How do you refuse invitations? Do you give reasons?

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

In this stage, I will ask the students to read some sample conversations and do a gist activity to answer some simple questions about them. I will share the link to them with the students in the chat box and ask them to do it in pairs in breakout rooms. I will ask them to try to do this part in about 3 minutes. I will ask some ICQs to make sure the students have understood what they must do. After 3 minutes, I will try to elicit the answers from the students. Teacher> Ok, now we have some dialogues about invitations. Please read them fast and try to answer the questions below the conversations. You will have about 3 minutes to do this task in pairs in the breakout rooms. ICQs> Will you do this part in pairs or individually? in pairs How much time do you have for this part? about 3 minutes Do you need to read it fast or carefully? fast

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After the gist task, I will assign another activity as detailed questions to highlight the target language related to refusing invitations. I will ask them to do this part individually in about 2 minutes and then send the to breakout rooms to check their answers with their peers and after that try to give feedback on their responses in the whole class. I will ask some ICQs before they start doing the activity. Teacher> Ok, now you should read the same dialogues but this time read them more carefully and try to answer the questions below the conversations first individually and then check with your peers in the breakout rooms. You will have about 2 minutes to do this task individually. ICQs> Will you do this part in pairs or individually? Individually How much time do you have for this part? about 2 minutes Do you need to read it fast or carefully? carefully

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

To clarify the target language phrases about refusing invitations, I will send a link to some questions on Google form related to analyzing their meaning, form and pronunciation. I will ask the students to do this part together in pairs or groups regarding the number of students in class. I will give them about 5 minutes to do this task in breakout rooms. I will also ask some ICQs and try to do a short demo showing the Google form in order to make sure they have no confusion before they start doing it. I try to monitor the breakout rooms to see which parts need more elicitation after the students get back to the main room. Teacher> Now that you have read the conversations and answered some questions about them, we should focus on some parts of the dialogues and make sure everything is clear for you about them. You have about 5 minutes to do this task in pairs in breakout rooms. Please open the link and let me know if it works. ICQs> Are you going to read any texts? No Will you be doing this part individually? No, in pairs How many minutes will you be in the breakout rooms? about 5 minutes After that, we will concentrate on the parts the students seemed to have some confusion. And ask them to drill some parts chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will share another link with students which has some sentences including some mistakes. The students will have to find the incorrect parts and correct them. This part is going to take about 3 minutes. They will do this part in pairs and then we will give a whole-class feedback as a controlled practice. Teacher> In this part of the lesson you will receive a link in which there are some sentences including some mistakes. Please find them in pair and correct them in about 2 minutes, then we will check your answers when you get back. ICQs> Will you need to correct the mistakes or just find them? Find and correct them Individually or in pairs? in pairs

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

To practice the focused target language more freely and improve and check the students' fluency in using them, I will give them a role-play activity and ask the students to invite the other student in their groups to something and then the other student needs to decline the invitation politely. I will try to repeat this process in 2 different groups so that they can practice inviting and declining both, each time about 4 minutes. I will also encourage them to use the target expressions as much as possible. After doing this part in groups, I will ask them to give a short report of what happened in their conversation, e.g., what was the invitation about and what excuse the other student make. As this part is a productive activity, I will try to give students plenty of time to practice this part and I will do a short demo with a volunteer student before they join the breakout rooms. Teacher> Now, it's time to practice what you have learned in this lesson with your groupmates. Please join the breakout rooms and try to have a conversation about refusing invitations. One of you invites the other one to something and the other student must try to decline it politely and maybe postpone it to another time. Try to make some excuses for your refusals as well. Please try to take short notes of the topic and reason as you should give a short report of what you did to the class at the end. You are going to repeat this process one more in different roles, each time in about 4 minutes. Once you invite and the other time, you decline the invitation. Now, I will do a short example with one of you who is volunteer before you join your breakout rooms. You can use some of the ideas listed here or your own ones. ICQs> Do you need to write your conversations? No, just the topic and reasons of declining Will you role-play one or twice? twice Will you repeat the dialogues in class or just give a short report? Just a short report How much time will you have? about 4 minutes each time

DEC (Delayed Error Correction) (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

In the last stage of the lesson, I will put some of the students' common and important errors I have taken notes of while monitoring the breakout room activities on the board and try to get some help from the students themselves to correct them and then ask them to drill the ones related to pronunciation errors chorally and individually .

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