tina tina

B1-Unit 4A level


In this lesson, the students learn about the difference between present continuous and be+going to (future forms) in the context of celebrations and events. The class will start with some examples of the target language. Students then will guess the form, learn the basics, and do controlled practices. This is followed by some listening exercises of the short form of going to=gonna. Finally, the students engage in a freer speaking practice to provide personalised answers.


Abc Student's Book(Empower Pre-Int 1)
Abc Board
Abc PowerPoints designed by the teacher.

Main Aims

  • • For students to understand present continuous and be+going to in the context of plannong for events.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • For students to practice speaking for accuracy using present cintinuous and be+going to.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T shows a p.p slide and tries to elicit the word ''event''. - T then asks Ss about the arrangements people need to make for different events. Ss find the answers in their groups.T monitors and gets feedback from the class.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-T shows a slide with a sentence written on it. (I'm getting married this summer). -T asks questions to elicit the function of the grammar: .Is this sentence about the present or future? Future. .What arrangements have they made? They've sent invitation cards, booked a venue, and bought or ordered their clothes. .Is this just an idea(plan) or a very carefully planned arrangement? Arranged. .Are people and time involved in this arrangement? Yes. -T shows another slide with a sentence written on it. (I'm going to get married this summer). -T asks questions to elicit the function of the grammar: .Is this sentence about the present or future? Future. .What arrangements have they made? Nothing. They just have a plan, but nothing is set.

Teaching the grammar (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-T shows some slides and elicits the forms from the students. -T asks students to make more examples of the target language. -Ss work on activities a, b and c on page 38. Then T checks the answers as a class.

Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-T asks students to do the tasks in grammar focus on page 151. T asks the Ss to read what the tasks want them to do (ICQ: T asks Ss to tell her what they understood from the questions) -Ss do activity (a) individually. Then, T shows the answer key. -T puts Ss in groups of three for activity (b). Then, gets feedback as a class. -Ss do activities (c,d) individually. Ss check their answers in pairs. T monitors and gets FB.

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-Ss work individually to think about plans that have for the future for 2 mins and make notes(not sentences) -T puts Ss into pairs and asks them to talk about their future plans. (Modeling: T models with Fatih Or Tugce to give an example) -T asks students to remember their partner's answers because they need to give feedback to T about their partner's answer. (ICQ: Do we need to remember our partner's answers or our answers? Our partner's answers.) -T monitors and writes their mistakes for delayed feedback. -T gets feedback from Ss.

Delayed Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To correct the student's mistakes without interrupting them during their practice.

- T writes down the mistakes on the board, discusses them with Ss as a group, and encourages them to find the mistakes.

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